When Two Evils Clash

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Chapter 3-
From apposing ends of the land, they unknowingly made their way towards one another. Alex with blades tucked through the rings of his pants where a belt would pull through, and Thomas with his revolvers drawn. Both suddenly start to hear noises coming from ahead of them. Alex springs into a sprint toward the sound, it's just another victim to him. Thomas hears this and ducks behind a large fallen tree, large enough to hide him completely as he slightly peaks out from the side to inspect the mystery. Alex stops about fourth yards away from Thomas, scooping the area. "Where are you? I know you are hiding here somewhere. I heard your footsteps and I know you are new to the forest. Why not come out and let me welcome you to pergatory!" Alex pulling his swords from his waist.
"Alex?! What is he doing here? And did he just say pergatory?" Thomas thought to himself.
"If you don't come out I'll just start playing peak a boo, and when I find you, you won't like what happens next." Alex remarked.
Thomas fearful of his brother, now figuring alex had gone insane, he sternly stands before him.
"Thomas? So it's you who will be the next in the slaughter!" Alex said with a gleeful and evil smile to his face and holding his swords tighter.
"Alex I'm not here to fight you, what the hell happened to you?" Thomas said.
Alex leapt towards Thomas and immediately sliced at his neck from both sides, to which Thomas quickly was able to stop dead with the barrels of his revolvers.
"So you have gotten yourself some toys now. Should make things fun." Alex laughed as he stepped back, sheathed one blade,and pulled out his journal and a pen. "This is one for the book." He stated as he wrote his own brothers name in his death log. "Now don't fight, it will all be over soon." He said as he re drew his blade and continued to try to stab and slash at his brother. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS LIKE LIVING WITH THAT WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH! YOU GOT TO LIVE WITH MOM AND GOT TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE! NEVER WORRYING ABOUT IF YOU WOULD LIVE TO SEE THE NEXT DAY! HERE IT IS KILL OR BE KILLED, THERE IS NO GOD OR DEVIL, ONLY PAIN AND DEATH!" Alex screamed as he slashed at his brother, each swing either missing or getting reflected by Thomas's guns. Then suddenly, Thomas stopped Alex dead in his tracks with a barrel to his neck and both swords caught by the other barrel, holding stern.
"There is no God?... Only death and pain?.. And how would you know what I went through.. We all face hell Alex..I AM NO DIFFERENT! Thomas yelled back as he took his chance and shot, throwing the knives to the side. Alex however barely avoided the shot and slashed back, barely missing Thomas's neck. They faught and they clashed again and again, shot after shot being fired wail the blades swipe through the air and slice through clothing, trees, and fear. Words of anger, rage, power, and stories full of grief and emotion being thrown back and forth. Eventually them both ending in a stand still, weapons caught once again, one shot in either revolver, and a few more good swings in the blades before they are dull and ready to break. Between breaths, Thomas says to Alex "you seem to have gotten much stronger, you aren't an easy one to break. I have a proposal for you if you are interested."
To which Alex replied with simply "I'll listen but I won't promise I won't kill you after."
"We fight for similar causes, so how about this. We work together. I'll set the stage and you make the kill. I get to cast judgment on those unworthy of living, and you get to have as much fun as you want killing those who don't need to live." Thomas proposed.
"Hm. Interesting offer. I accept on this condition. We both must suffer from the others weapon as a pact to never stray and never die." Alex stated.
"Deal." Thomas said calmly as he turned his gun and shot into Alex's chest and stomach, at the same time Alex swung, carving a line straight across his brothers torso from hip to opposite shoulder.
"One more thing. If we share this role as Devine Punishment. Let us be equally deadly and exchange one weapon." Alex says, to which Thomas agrees and they exchange one of either blood soaked weapon.
Now both possessing sword and revolver, carrying them in opposite fashions, soon pass out from the lose of blood. Neither of which injuries would be enough to kill the damned souls of what has now become ,Devine Punishment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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