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Aaron's POV:
The next day, when Aph woke up, i said, " G'Morning" with some breakfast. She ate all of my food and she said it was soo good. She apologized and I didnt understand why because I was fine with it. Turns out, we were friends in HighSchool. When she walked out, I felt like she needed to stay. So I called her name loudly and when she walked back in, I kissed her. It felt good. She kissed back. I brought her back to my room and I pinned her to the bed and kept kissing her. And she kept kissing back.

Aphmau's POV:
When I went home, my face showed it all. Katelyn asked what boy I was making out with. I said this guy named Aaron that lives on MyStreet too. I took Katelyn to his house to meet him cause shes like my second mother. When she saw him, she was getting ready to punch him but I caught her arm before she swung. I introduced them to each other and Katelyn was keeping an eye on him. I whispered to him ^^*dont worry about her, shes always like this*^^. She said she approved. Our love was Instant.

End of Part XDDDDDDD

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