The Story of DiamondEnderdragon, Chapter 22

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"jezzzz I wonder what my sister is up to" Drake said in his head. Meanwhile Sapphire was flying to the ocean and stopped at the front at the beach and yelled out. "Julia this is Sapphire I need you to let me in". As the ocean spread and lead to the throne room of the Water Goddess Julia was just sitting their looking all disappointed at her self for letting something happen. "w...what do you want Sapphire" said Julia as she was looking at Sapphire when she was just walking up to her. "I came here to help you to stop the squid attack and I know how your dealing thru it when a war is happening between the world and Herobrine but I came to help to get this war out of the way" said Sapphire. As Julia stood up she said "get your best men and meet me on the surface where the squids are at. "right" said Sapphire as she ran out of the kingdom and flew back to get her army and best men. "will this be the end between this kingdom and the squids" Julia said in her head. "whelp I should probably get my army and best men to" Julia said to her self. As a hour passed Sapphire and her army where on the surface where the squids where at until she saw Julia coming with her army and in her battle armor. "whelp today is finally the day when we kill the squids and its ruler" said Sky. "yes it is and when we get this out of the way we have to really focus on Herobrine" said Sapphire. "whelp you ready to do this Sapphire" said Julia. "yes I am" said Sapphire as she was ready to charge. "ARE YOU READY MEN" Julia and Sapphire yelled out. As their where I giant cheer they all charged into the ocean as Julia putted on a spell to every one to breath under water and let it act like the land. As the squids attack many squids where dyeing and Sky, Julia, and Sapphire made it to where the squid king is. "we finally meet squid king" said Sky as he was ready to attack. As the squid king said nothing the squid king attack them but the three of them where fighting him off "jezzz how much longer do we have to hit him until he is dead" said Sapphire. "I don't know but their is one option we have to do" said Julia as she flouted back a little. "you mean we have to use our ultimate forms" said Sapphire as she went to Julia as Sky was still fighting. "that's the only way" said Julia as she pulled out her power sword to activate it. "If its the only way to kill him then ill join but I'm a bit rusty" said Sapphire as she pulled out her power crown. "LETS GO ULTIMATE FORMS" Julia and Sapphire said. As they both where glowing Julia turned into her ultimate forms as her sword was more powerful as ever and her armor was powerful also. As Sapphire turned into her ultimate form also she had her sword powerful as Julia and her armor was also powerful. "lets do this" Sapphire said as she was attacking. "right" Julia said as she was also attacking. As Julia and Sapphire grabbed Sky they had putted their sword together and where just flying down and going and spinning they had their sword in front of them and went thru the squid king and finally killed him. "f...finally" Julia said as she was swimming to the surface. As Julia, Sapphire and Sky made it to the surface they had saw all of their men on the surface also having their camp set up. "w...we finally did it" said Sapphire as she passed out. "y...yah" said Julia as she also passed out. "jezzz I think your power made you crash" said Sky as he carried them both to their tents. "finally now the world can be at peace with no longer squids...and I finally avenged you guys" Sky said to himself as he was sitting on a log with a fire going and just staring at the stars. "I wonder what the other guys are doing" Sky said in his head as he just went to his tent and just crashed out.

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