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Photo is of Becky.

His phone ringing woke Zeke up from a dead sleep, rolling over he glanced at the clock on his bedside table before reaching for his phone.


"Zeke, hey.."A soft female voice he knew too well was on the other end.

"Shit Becky, it's three in the morning."

"I know, I'm sorry. Look, I need a ride."

"What? Why?" He asked, irritated that she disturbed his much needed sleep.

"My piece of shit car left me sitting again and normally I'd call Ty."

He sighed heavily, Ty his younger brother had been Beckys best friend since they were born. Ty also had been in love with her for years, Zeke tried his best to stay the hell away from her but their paths always crossed and when they did a fight normally followed. His brother was currently in Canada doing work for MC that they both ran with.

"Fine, where are you?"

"I'm down at the docks," She said, sounding slightly guilty.

"What in the hell are you doing there that late at night?"

"I'm working on a story, could you just hurry up?"

"I'll be there," He hung up without waiting for her reply.

He and Becky used to get along when they were younger, they were actually friends but that all changed the night his and Ty's parents died in a car crash. Becky and Ty were only seventeen when it happened.

He stood from his bed pulling on his jeans and a black t-shirt, he promised Ty that while he was gone he would watch out for Becky. He wasn't sure what Ty and Becky's relationship really was at this point but he would protect her until Ty returned. Ty had been gone almost two weeks already.

He decided to take his car instead of his bike and climbed into the front seat, he rubbed his eyes and backed out onto the street. He didn't live far from the docks but it was a rough neighborhood and he was already angry that Becky would be there this late at night.

When he pulled up next to her small blue kia she was sitting on the hood, she smiled at him as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"Thanks a lot for coming," She said as she pulled on her seatbelt.

He didn't reply as he turned back onto the road, heading towards her apartment on the other side of town, by his estimation he could be back home in bed by around five.

"What the hell were you doing at the docks this late?" He asked finally.

"I told you working on a story, I had a lead and that's where they wanted to talk."

"They could have shot you and tossed you in the water and nobody would have known."

"They wouldn't I know this person."

"You're so damn dumb sometimes," He scolded.

He stopped at a red light and she turned in her seat to glare at him.

"It's none of your business what I do," She said.

"It is when you get me out of bed at ridiculous hours and what about Ty?"


"Yeah, if you run off and get your bony ass killed what's he supposed to do?" He asked.

"The light is green and why does everything I do relate to Ty?!" She demanded.

He pulled onto the street and turned towards her, he was about to reply when he heard the squealing tires. The next thing he knew a hard impact on his side of the car had them flipping down the road.

They seemed to roll for hours but couldn't have been more than two or three times before coming to rest on their roof in the middle of the road. At first he was too stunned to do anything but a soft moan to his left gained his attention.

Becky was hanging upside down, her seatbelt holding her in place.

"Becky, hey are you okay?" He asked.

"I think so," She said lifting her head to look at him.

He did a once over and didn't see any wounds on her body, He tried to move ever so slightly in his seat but found his legs were pinned by the steering wheel. He didn't want to scare her even more by informing her he was trapped so he didn't tell her.

"Alright, can you crawl out the window?" He asked.

"I don't know."

She struggled with her belt but was unable to get herself free and he saw she was beginning to panic.

"Calm down, I'll help."

He pulled the knife out of his pocket and with a swift slice cut the seatbelt, she braced her arms but still fell roughly onto the ceiling of the truck.

"Climb out the window," He encouraged.

She turned and army crawling began to slide through the mostly crushed window, she was halfway out she couldn't go any further.

"It's pushed down to far, I don't fit."

"Try harder," He urged.

She began pulling herself, trying in vain to squeeze out the window. He turned to look out his own window at the car that hit him, it was on fire a few yards away and he was afraid theirs would go up in flames next. She was distracted so her heard it first, the truck flying down main street. He turned his head sharply to see it through what was left of the windshield, heading straight towards Beckys side of their car.

They weren't going to stop in time, the sinking feeling hit him and he immediately reached for her, grabbing onto her shin.

"Becky!" He called out her name a second before impact.

The sound of metal crushing metal and shattering glass seemed deafening, the glass rained inside the vehicle as it flipped against this time rolling in the opposite direction. He lost his grip on her leg as they rolled again his head smacked painfully against the side of the now bare metal.

His vision blurred and grew dark, he tried to cling to a little bit of consciousness but he could feel the blood pouring down his face and sticking to his eyelids. The car came to a halt and he could hear the soft tinkling of glass falling to the floor.

"Becky....."His voice croaked as he finally lost consciousness.

Zeke's Secret *Animals MC book 3*Where stories live. Discover now