Chapter One.

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Julissa Dallas, Cameron's wife>>

Cameron's pov.

I woke up to a beeping noise next to me, when I opened my eyes I was blinded by the bright lights of the room. I sat up in the bed I was in, confused as to what happened, the last thing I remember is coming to the hospital with Julissa because she was in labor. 

The door swung open and in came Nash, Matt, and a doctor, the boys seemed like they had been crying, which worried me. 

''Mr. Dallas, you are up.'' said the doctor, sitting down on a little stool next to my bed and crossing his arms over his chest. He looked at me with a small smile, expecting one back, but I didn't react in any kind of way.

''Where are Julie and the baby?'' I asked Nash, still wondering why he and Matt looked like they've been crying. It seems like my question triggered something in both of them, because as soon as the words left my lips they started crying again.

''Mr Dallas, what do you remember?'' asked the doctor. I turned my attention back to him and shrugged my shoulders.

''I came here to bring my wife, Julissa, because she was having our baby.'' I said, confused.

''That's all you remember?'' he asked, uncrossing his arms and leaning in on his chair, resting his arms on his thighs. I nodded my head, looking at the boys briefly.

''How do you think you got here, to this room? Why are you hooked to those IV's?'' he asked me. I looked down at my arms and I noticed all the tubes and IV's hooked to them.

''I-I don't kn-know.'' I stuttered, feeling even more confused. The doctor sighed and stood up, he walked over to the door and closed it, then he made his way over to Nash and Matt and motioned them to stand next to me on the bed, lastly, he took his previous position, but this time he stood next to me, looking down at his feet. 

''Mr. Dallas, there is no easy way to say this..again, so I'm just going to say it. Your wife, Mrs. Julissa Dallas, didn't make it through the birth of your son.'' he said. And that's when I remembered, she died right after the baby was born. I could feel my heart shattering into a billion pieces, once again, but for some reason I didn't break down or start crying like I did when they first told me, this time I felt a bit more calm. The boys were crying next to me, their hearts breaking.

''When we told you, you started crying and screaming, and throwing things around. You punched a hole in a wall and broke a window. We had to put a tranquilizer on you.'' he explained. I nodded my head, feeling ashamed of my actions.

''I remember now.. I'm sorry, I will pay for all the damages.'' I whispered, looking down at the sheets. 

''No worries. You can leave whenever you want to.'' he said, making his way to the door.

''and the baby?'' I asked him.

''him too.'' he said, giving me a small smile and opening the door.

''oh, before I forget, what will be the baby's name?'' he asked me.

''Kyle James Dallas.'' I said. The doctor nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

''Does Kylie know about Julissa?'' I asked no one in particular. Kylie is my four year old daughter.

''Yeah, uh, Margaret told her.'' answered Nash, referring to Julissa's mom.

''And how are they?'' I asked him, looking at the sheets of the bed.

''Kylie is inconsolable, while Margaret is drinking her pain away, as always.''answered Matt. I rolled my eyes, remembering that my mother in law is an alcoholic. I stood up from the bed, putting my shoes on and walking out of the room, not saying a word to Nash and Matt but the following behind me.

I stepped inside my car, after strapping Kyle to his car-seat, and sped to Margaret's house. Once I was there I jumped out of the car, telling the guys to stay there while I got Kylie. I walked to the front door and knocked waiting for her to answer.

While I stood there I looked to the left, seeing the ladder I would use to climb up to see Julissa, was still there. And just like that, thousands of memories came to my mind, making my eyes water. One tear fell from my eye, but I wiped it out when I heard footsteps come to the door, and opened it.

''Oh, Cameron!'' exclaimed a very drunk  Margaret, throwing herself on me and start crying. I rolled my eyes and pushed her, slightly, off of me.

''I came here for my daughter.'' I said, walking inside of the house.

''I thought she was going to be spending the night with me.'' she slurred.

'' you thought wrong, Mrs. Parker.'' I said as I walked up the stairs and into Julissa's old room. 

  I opened the door and saw Kylie  lying on the bed, crying. For a four year old, Kylie knows a lot and has experienced more losses than she could actually handle; her grandfather ( Julissa's dad), who died a few months ago, her aunt (Julissa's step sister), who died last year and Kylie was very attached to her, and lastly, her dog, which broke her heart.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and running up to me. I picked her up, hugging her tightly as she cried on me.

"Did mommy really die?" She asked, sobbing. I sighed deeply, closing my eyes and nodding. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks.

As I was hugging my daughter I looked around the room, thousands of memories coming back to me. I looked at the spot next to the door, the same one where we shared our first kiss.

She's gone. She's gone and I didn't get to say goodbye.  

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