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Nash pulled up to jack house I looked at him holding his handing giving him a kiss on the lips

"thank you . Foreverthing this was the best date every maybe we can try this again sometime"

Nash turned red "yes of course I will miss you. I will text you when I get home,I'm not going to drive off intill I know your safe in the house ok baby? " I nodded my head getting out the car walking to jacks door .i knocked three times then finally jack answer the door looking supized

He then kissed me  deeply and hard I kissed back of course as he put his hand on my cheek "I missed you"

I giggled "I was only gone for like a day"

He kissed me again

"a day is like 10 million years for me "

I looked back seeing Nash car is gone . I rolled my eyes going in his house

"We need to talk come sit" I said sitting down on the couch crossing my legs

"Yes what is it "

"I think I should move back into my parents house,I don't want you having no type of feelings for me . I don't want to stop your cycle of hoes you get "

"No , you aren't leaving me "

I sigh lightly " what's up with you you seem so in love with me it's not my thing I told you that jack"

He hold my hand "I don't care how many times you push me away I'm always going to want you . Your different . Just let me take you on one date"

I sigh "no"

He hold my waist lifting my chin"come on just one date let's see where it takes us from their maybe we can be a little bit more like girlfriend and boyfriend " he said kissing my forehead

I smiled "fine"

He smiled super hard then out of no where he kisses me and I fucking loved it expected this kiss was different it was nice and soft. I feel different my stomach feels like I have millions of butterflies in it he told me to jump I did wrapping my legs around his waist

"I love you so fucking much princess " he smiled

"I love you more baby "

That's it

I think

I am in love with jack.

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