Chapter 8

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-Abby's POV-

Harry and Justin had left because things got pretty crazy, I was still in shock at how mad Justin had gotten. There was still something about him that made me keep wanting more. I know what im doing may be wrong in some peoples mind, but I dont care, I want to be happy in his arms again.

"MOM!" I almost screamed at the top of my lungs. My mom slowly made her way into my room and wasn't to pleased about me yelling in the house to get her attention from my room, but I mean hey if it works it works, right? 

"What do you want Abbigal Kaitlyn Fitz-Tyler?" My mom had rushingly asked me. By the way I have two last names but I've never told anybody she only calls me by my full name when she's irritated with me.

"Well I obviously know that this is going to make you much, well I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think that it would be better for me...if I dumped Harry to be with Justin. Only because I'm still in love with Justin, and plus Harry I dont know how to explain, but he's not right for me." I looked down onto my bed sheet so I wouldn't have to see my moms face expression but I knew deep down inside she was happy about the choice I was making.

"Honey, I know this is going to be very hard for you, but don't worry, you know what your doing is right and that's what matters most," She gave me a hug and walked out of my room. I heard the front door shut so she may have left to go do whatever, ugh parents dont help children with there problems like they use to. 

I grabbed my phone off the charger and texted Harry telling him we needed to talk and that it was important. He said that he would try to be over as soon as possible, I was nervous I could feel my palms sweating and i wipped them off on my jeans. I was about to have a panic attack. Just then I heard the door bell ring, I slowly get off my bed and go to open the door, it was only a delievery man.

"Miss, I'm going to need you to sign this paper for me and then your all set to get your package," He handed me a clipboard and pointed to a spot for me to sign my name.

"Do you know if this happens to be my iphone 5c?" I questioned him, I just wanted my new phone already, like I ordered this over a week and a half ago, I was desperate for a new phone every since I dropped mine and the screen shattered at starbucks.

"Well I'm pretty sure since the box says fragile, using commen sence it would be an Iphone, but hey maybe its a surprise rock or something..."He joked. This man was not even looking to get on my bad side.

'Well excuse you, giving me attitude and all that, I was just asking a simple question but aye since you wanna be like that whatever," I took the box, handed him his clipboard with attitude and walked back inside the house to the kitchen to open the box. But BAM, I just got my Iphone 5c in light blue, I immediatly went to go online to get it activated and have everything transfered. 

Just within a few mintues of being on the internet the door bell rings again, although this time I don't want to get up to walk over there to see who's behind that door.

"Hold on!" I yell from where I'm siting, I just type in a few more details and the computer starts to sync all my info from my current phone to me knew one within a few minutes. I let all that process while I get up to see who's at the door, I open the door to see that Harry's standing there and he looks mad at me, but I honestly don't worry why.

"Don't you ever tell me to hold on again while you say that we have to talk about something important," He grabbed both my arms and squeezed them tightly. I wouldn't look at him because I knew he was mad and I didn't wanna see his face. 

"Harry let me go,  now..."I tried pulling away but he wouldn't budge. He never had this type of temper with me and it really worried me.

"No, not until you tell me you make me wait almost 5 minutes for you to come to the door, and why you were hugging all up on your EX-boyfriend, by the way, making the point clear, that he is your EX not your current but your EX!" He let me go and ended up pushing me to the ground.

"I was busy activating my new phone, I never knew that was such a crime now a-days! But for your information it's the fact that Justin is still a best friend to me even if he is and ex-boyfriend of mine, but the thing that is so important is that I don't wanna be with you anymore, I wanna be with someone else, who makes me happy, and doesn't bitch at me every time I do something wrong like a simple not coming to the damn door for a few minutes! You need to check yourself Harry! WERE DONE! NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I got off the floor from when he had pushed me and used all my power to push him out the door, and I slammed the door shut and locked it. 

-Harry's POV-

I had rushed to her house, and gotten stood up at and I had to wait for her and that pissed me off, because she should know I don't like waiting. I know I have anger issues but I lashed out at her so badly, I felt so bad, she didn't even give me the chance to explain to her what was wrong, she ended up lashing out at me and dumped me in the heat of the moment. I give her a few days to realize what she's done wrong and she'll come cralling back to me and begging me to take her back. She doesn't want the white prep boy Justin, he's nothing. 



I know it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry, I'll try to update at least once a week if I can so hey this chapter was intense, but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

Special Cheez-It loves (btw i love me some cheez its <3)

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