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In twilight терялось all: outgoing skyward wall, arch, huge window, dirty from soot torches, and themselves torch, which hardly covered long corridor. All растворялось in darkness and disappeared where-that far beyond corridor. Terrible echo transformed each step and each rustle in loud buzz and уходило deep into castle. Bas and statues отбрасывали long корявые shadow on tumbledown wall, on dirty, long ago not мытый gender, on stones, scattered on it. All this when-that could amaze imagination, could attract hundreds flaming views, hear set enthusiastic вздохов. But this was when-that. These corridors still remembered cries and groans, rays and отблески spells, sounds falling bodies, scarlet blood, растекающуюся on white мраморному полу. They remembered battle, battle and death. They remembered, as here parted with life people, as they fought for her, as who-that безжалостно kill, but who-that defended price its life. But these same corridors remembered, as children восхищенно осматривались, entering in ceremonial doors, as they rejoice, sitting down for tables, and gaily переговаривались, leaving from hall, as they ran, hearing sound bells, as they проказничали and smiled, as they recognized in love, перешептывались and сплетничали. These corridors seen set lives, предугадали and have tracked for many судеб. Corridors хогвартса remembered all, they not could forget. Now they were almost безлюдны. Even bring afraid of excess time show in them, that not fall on eyes пожирателям. Only children sometimes took place on long corridors, hurrying on lessons, that not get next punishment. No not dare break this гробовую silence. All took place silently, omitting eyes. Almost at all here died friends and relatives. Only слизеринцы took place on this corridors, брезгливо фыркая and proudly picking up head. And only they not knew about little dagger, which standing in small deepening in wall on third floor west wing. It standing there, not замечаемый пожирателями. No, passing by it, not dare заговорить. No could not even squeeze out from itself smile. No simply could not forget. Sometimes to it they came two girls: one with взлохмаченными chestnut hair, but another with заплетенными in tail медно-red, in light torches, similar on scarlet. They carefully put several violets so, that their almost was not evidently, that no could not remove their and обсмеять, that those, who wanted and remembered, could pass by, взглянуть on them and perk, that those, who отчаивались, not forget about victim, born remaining, and continued fight. Fight and remember, hope change future. But all less often and less often steel come here children, all less often and less often they steel look back, passing by. And only girls they came and not forget, put violets. But then one from them ceased come, and in seizure appeared petite вазочка with flower. Second girl still several time came, but then ceased appear. Through several months here became resort little boy. It resorted each day and, looking in small notch, softly smiling, утирал sleeves tears and quickly running off, not retrospect. For him sometimes пробегали several people, holding ready sticks, but they never not could catching up with boy, which was running so same quickly, as little волчонок, and at which hair were color petals gently-light roses. But in вазочке always stood огненно-redhead lily, with small red speckles on petals, but beside her lay медальончик with four initials: g.w. h.p., r.w. and h.g. джинни уизли, harry поттер, рон уизли and гермиона грейнджер. *** гермиона went on dark corridor хогвартса, what-that squeezing in its hand. Sweater with emblem гриффиндора обтягивал her breast and waist, skirt was hardly above knee, pointed hat спадала on eyes, but подолы mantle подметали gender. Partially form her became small, but hat and mantle were are great. Пожиратели not quite cared for about volume, that ensure their students form, especially магглорожденных. After that, as lord defeated, магглорожденные in general steel равняться house elves. Their even sold thoroughbred mages in end their fifth course. To seventh course доучивались only thoroughbred wizards. Now гермиона as time studied on fifth course, and she already was «girl on sale». More precisely, she should was be on sixth, and her recently turns seventeen, but over her decided to «make fun» and sent together with джинни and moon on fifth course. But same time and подучить «as correctly behave at mister». First this was even to better, but then all changed ... very strongly changed. Auction, as his called children and teens, which should beat sell, took place today, therefore girl hurry commit that, to what so long ago prepared. She собиралась change that, what happened. Certainly, path back at her was not, but but harry, рон, джинни and all rest, who died and that гермиона, which was in past, be able quietly live. For this her needed was in all only хроноворот and potion, recipe which and ingredients her helped достать professor снейп. Yes, precisely professor зельеварения северус снейп. During war children learned, what it was double spy, and what it hates lord, therefore it helped гермионе prepare potion. But now not about this. Sorceress went to its крестнику. Little poor тедди. Him was in all two годика. Why пожиратели left his in living and ordered, yes precisely ordered, her watch for him гермиона not knew. Girl turned in still one corridor and entered in small комнатку. There stood several beds, but on them were sleeping children. All them was where-that years on eight, can hardly more, and almost all they lost all their native during magic war. Гермионе, джинни and moon when-that instructed the care about this kid's garden, as they his called. Here initially was not very much kids, but now their it became still less. Грейнджер подошла to most far кроватке and carefully took on hands its godson. It here same opened eyes. Boy slept very sensitively, and rumor at it was, as at small волчонка. - гермивона ... - пробурчал kid. Her name was one from first words, which it said. - quieter, тедди, quieter, - прошептала girl. - тедди, cute, me must will you leave, - boy округлил eyes: it still not quite knew values words, but apparently understood гермиону. - but i thee i promise, what i will come. Whether good boy and not обижай aunt moon. But i thee i will leave here this, - she extended boy small медальончик, on which were engraved initials, and одела his him on neck. - at you will that, which me giving away uncle harry. This medallion with memories. See, at me such same, - she revealed boy small coulomb, hanging at her on neck. - but that, which i thee dala, then положишь to крестику and lily, - boy not quite understood крестную, but закивал head. Гермиона held on his pink hair hand and what-that прошептала. - here, now you accurately not you will forget, - she put kid back in bed, but that not wanted her release. - тедди, - smiled at гермиона, - i thee i promise, what will be back, but while me will not aunt moon take care about thee, - boy reluctantly let go her hand. - tete gin, come? - it вопросительно looked on гермиону their complete sadness karimi eyes. - she while can not, - проговорила гермиона, hardly reining tears. Girl kissed boy in top, прошептала what-that and ran from room, accurately having covered door. But boy smiled and stretched handle to медальону, which hung at it not neck, and accurate copy which hung on neck гермионы грейнджер. Гермиона again бежала on corridors хогвартса. Now she can not turn back, she promised тедди, and she perform its promise. She keep its word, she will make this for the sake of тедди, джинни, harry, рона, ремуса, нимфадоры, фреда, джорджа, молли, arthur ... mom and pope ... for the sake of all! For the sake of all, whom she lost. For the sake of all, who died, protecting хогвартс. She will make this for the sake of all those, who donated self for the sake of freedom. She will make utmost ... - hey, грязнокровка! No, only not it. Гриффиндорка turned. In several steps from her standing high, смазливый, arrogant blonde with emblem слизерина on breast and in silk mantle. - yes, your чистокровие, - hardly-hardly выдавила from itself гермиона new «nickname» for thoroughbred magicians. - ммм ... remember. I simply wanted play a little with its new property, - ухмыльнулся малфой. At гермионы перехватило breath. No, not maybe, what would her sold малфою. No ... only not this! Sorceress carefully took out from internal pocket mantle small vessel. - what same you молчишь, грейнджер? - stretched out малфой. - you know, me very enjoyed idea father buy girlfriend поттера ... fingers stretch to little крышечке. - well, what come on-ка пройдем in «cabinet». So, it looks like, you his называете ... yes, precisely so, they called room torture. Cap dropped on gender, and echo разнеслось on around corridor. - грейнджер, what this you there делаешь ... - ступефай, - red ray flew in малфоя. - беспалочковая magic. Not bad, грейнджер. While on forests with поттером ran, научилась? - sarcastically asked слизеринец, negligently pulling its wand. Girl quickly brought small bottle to lips and devastated her. - грейнжер! - проревел малфой and, спохватившись, sent its wand on girl. - экспелиармус, - выкрикнула гермиона, exposing its wand forward. She, certainly, owned беспалочковой magic, but not so completely, that fight her with пожирателем. - ступефай, - малфой bounced on several steps. Гермиона quickly took out хроноворот and, накинув on neck chain, закрутила ringlet. Малфой stood up, but was already late. Засияв bright light, гермиона disappeared in vortex time. - секо, - cried noble слизеринец, again вскидывая wand. Spell полетело in girl, and disappeared together with her. But in this time little тедди lay in its кроватке in dark room. In his несмышленой head swirled different, in no way not related between self thoughts. It knew, what still very long not will see its крестную. So when-that disappeared dad and mom, uncle harry and uncle рон, aunt джинни. But boy knew, what гермиона perform its promise and will be back. And therefore kid lay and clench in hand little медальончик. Тедди lupine never not forget words, said its godmother, while again not will see her. «Тедди, i верну your parents, i i promise. I изменю destiny!» *****

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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