Roses #6

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Next few days went by in a blur.

Dan realized he practically spent the whole week with Phil. He only slept at his house once. He would always sleepover Phil's place.

Dan woke up groggy. Dan yawned and opened his phone to check the time.

"11:40," Dan grunted as he rolled out of bed. Phil wasn't there but Dan assumed he was making breakfast or smoking.
Dan got dressed in Phil Clothes and looked for a flower crown on the floor.

Dan stepped out and rubbed his back as he saw Phil standing in the kitchen making pancakes.
"Morning babe," Dan said as he planted a kiss on Phil's cheek and Phil smiled.

"Good Morning Danny, I'm just making some pancakes," Phil replied and continued.

"So what're we doing today?" Dan asked as he sat on the couch.

"I was thinking about inviting some people over, like a small party, if you wouldn't mind," Phil said as he flipped a pancake and patting it with the spatula.

"Sure, I don't care. What'll we do there? Get drunk?" Dan asked half jokingly.

"I was thinking about playing a game or so, also get drunk. I have a fake I.D," Phil scooped the pancake off and put it on a plate and handed it to Dan.
"Thank you. I kinda figured you had a fake I.D., since you have cigarettes," Dan giggled.

"Yeah... Dan I've been meaning to tell you something," Phil said suddenly.
"What is it?" Dan asked.

"I've got some... weed," Phil said scared of Dan's reaction.

"So? That's better than you smoking cigarettes," Dan answered nonchalantly.

"So you don't care?" Phil questioned surprised.

"I don't give a shit, I still love you," Dan said taking a bite from his pancake.

"What if it killed me?" Phil asked.

"Well, cigarettes are bad and I've already tried to get you to quit... but as a wise man once said, ' it's an addiction', so weed is illegal, so is a smoking 17 yr old, underage drinking, making Starbucks bargains, and skipping school. But look at us. We are like little criminals. I don't care if you smoke weed. The side affects of weed doesn't include dying, last time I checked." Dan raised his one eyebrow at him.

"Ok then..." Phil trailed off, a little surprised.

"Well that's my lecture," Dan smiled, his dimples showing.


"If anything I want to try weed," Dan said after an awkward silence.

"Hon, I don't want you to start smoking, it's bad," Phil told Dan, like a mother.

"I know. I just want to try it."

"Fine, I can't make you change your mind," Phil said a little too solemnly.

~~~~~~~~( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~~~ rAndom lennys

"I've invited PJ, Louise, Chris, and basically all your friends because I don't have any," Phil said laughing.

"Well now you can make friends," Dan smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Why does it feel like we've been married for several years?" Phil asked half jokingly.

"I don't know, but I like it."

Ding Donngggggg ( magnum dong dank memes reference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Sounds like someone is here, also do you still want to keep 'this' on the low low?" Dan asked as he walked to the door.

"Yeah," Phil said quickly as Dan opened the door.

Bad Boys Like Good Boys Too[ Pastel Dan And Punk Phil ] *phan*Where stories live. Discover now