There's Only One Chapter To This Book, Sucker

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"So- so she says, 'Whew! Whatz about ze drink, eh?' I nodded, but Lucinda tricked me!" Katelyn slurred.

"Uh-huh," says Zane, trying to pay attention. He was worried; his next album's deadline was next week.
He was really Zane Milkyway from One Direction. Katelyn secretly love the dude- 'cuz his haircut was off the charts.

"Yeh know? I kinda like ya. Be creepy, yep, but you're kindle kool. I also heard someone singing when I passed your house. Can't be Aph, cuz she sounds like a dying chicken nugget. Heh!" Katelyn smiled. Zane stared into her icy-blue eyes.

Why hasn't he realized she was so beautiful? Why Jeffrey dated her, why Travis hitted on her, why Garroth called her beautiful(AND went to prom with her). Her mascara- or whatever she used, made her beautiful eyes pop out, her beautiful hair was straight, and her outfit.... She looked absolutely beautiful.

Katelyn did not realize the staring because she was staring at him, too. His pale-blue eyes ad his black hair looked lovely. It was his outfit that made him look bad.

"Take off the mask," She spat.


"-So I can kiss you," She flushed. Katelyn suddenly was not drunk.

"Why? I mean- you're beautiful and all..." He trailed off. In his "famous" life, he had a fiancé, whom was jealous of every girl, just like Serena Gonzalez(whom sang "Can't Stop Touching People")

"B-but..." She teared up. "Please Zane? I'll do anything."

"You have to stop every crush you have of any One Direction guy," he stated.

And he took off the mask. Really Pale-pink lips made him look like Snape, from Harry Potter. He had a scar, that no one would've noticed. And they kissed.

Katelyn said him, "Your scar?"

"I- wait, I'm going to make a call," he told her. But, he texted instead.

Zane: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Never liked you, You Smelt like Poo

Some GirL: UGH. Bet it was Hairy Stools

Zane: Nope. Post anything you want, I really donut care.

"Care you tell me where you got the scar?" Katelyn asked angrily.

"I'm going to tell the truth," Zane stated. Katelyn shut up. "I'm Zane Milkyway from One Direction. I shaved my beard today. And I dyed my hair." Katelyn gasped.

-----But they got married anyway------

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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