Mariah woke up in a cold sweat, breathing fast. This was a new nightmare. Different from all the others.
Mariah fumbled out of bed, and into the bathroom, planning to take a hot shower. When she walked past the mirror, for a split second, she saw someone else behind her.
She spun around, but no one was there. "Must be lack of sleep," Mariah thought.
Once out of the shower, Mariah decides to go to the library. As she's walking, she gets a feeling that she's being watched. There is no one else around. Walking quicker now, Mariah finally reaches the library. Grabbing a random book, she sits down, and pretends to read. Watching the doors, making sure that no one was following her. Or looking for her.
"Anyone that walks up to me, I can't trust. No matter what." The paranoia starts to set in. Starting to get anxious, someone from far away looks her in the eye. He stares at her for minutes that seem like hours. She returns the stare. He finally gets up, and leaves. Mariah is relieved.
A/N: Hi guys. I haven't written anything in a while, and I got an inspiration from a prompt I found on the internet. Hope you guys enjoy!