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It was one of these days, where you just want to be home, turn the tv on and just do nothing. But unfortunately, Joohyun was still stuck on the bus because some people couldn't behave properly in a mode of public transport. The blooming traffic didn't help that situation at all.

The next station came and luckily some left the bus but then again new people stormed inside, trying to get a seat. Joohyun watched everyone carefully. She liked to observe how people act and talk in public.

Maybe one of the reasons why was because Joohyun is a psychiatrist.

That new guy who just entered the bus caught her attention. Did he seem... afraid? Joohyun noticed how he tried to avoid touching other passengers and every time they touched him or even came near him, he flinched. The boy had a big scarf around his neck and he nuzzled his head deeper into the fabric, the closer other people got to him.

Joohyun furrowed her brows. "Hey you..", she said and hesitated to touch him after she saw how he tried to avoid skinship. His eyes widened, he wasn't expecting such a beautiful woman to talk to him. "Do you want my seat?", Joohyun asked and the boy shook his head.

"I'm fine..", he whispered.

The person next to Joohyun got off the bus at the next station, and she again offered the seat next to her. The boy bit his lip, confused if he should sit down but when he saw the next crowd of people entering the bus, he quickly settled down next to Joohyun who smiled - and maybe also felt a little relieved because the boy wouldn't have to deal with skinship anymore.

Joohyun couldn't take her eyes off of the boy who was looking out the window now. His hands were neatly placed on his knees, from time to time he glanced at his watch. "How long do you have to go still?", Joohyun asked.

The boy again looked at her and blinked several times. "A few stations.." Joohyun nodded. "May I know your name?", she chuckled. "Don't worry I am not hitting on you or something. I think I am too old for that, plus I am engaged..", she showed her hand.

The boy nodded slowly. "Taehyung... But why do you want to know..?"

Joohyun shrugged. "I like meeting new people and you seem really nervous so I thought maybe talking could relax you a little bit. Oh, I'm Joohyun by the way."

She didn't offer her hand because she knew he was avoiding touching strangers. "So, do you still go to school, or..?", Joohyun continued. She was curious about the boy. The way Taehyung behaved and avoided others caught her attention. Somewhere back in university times, she had read a book about this behavior.

"I dropped school last year. I am working at a library at the moment.", Taehyung replied. Joohyun nodded. "Oh, so I assume you are not that old? You also look really young.", she smiled.

"I'm 20..", Taehyung said and lowered his head. "And you?"

Joohyun giggled. "What do you think? Guess!"

Taehyung blushed and looked at Joohyun. "Uh... Maybe 21 or 22?", he asked with a shaky voice.

"That's so cute! But no, I just turned 25! Still thanks for making me feel flattered", she lightly touched his shoulder. Taehyung immediately jumped back and Joohyun internally facepalmed herself. "I am so sorry Taehyung! I didn't mean to."

Taehyung shook his head and forced a smile. "It's okay. Uh, I have to get off at this station. It was nice talking to you.."

"Taehyung! Take this..", Joohyun handed him a little card. "That's my office. If you should ever need someone to talk to... Just visit me. Anytime."

Taehyung was confused but nodded, putting the card in his pocket. He quickly said goodbye and got off the bus, walking extra carefully so he wouldn't touch anyone. Joohyun sighed and grabbed her phone. She quickly clicked on google.


is a rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched.
It is an acute exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one's personal space [ ... ]

Joohyun took a screenshot of the website and put her phone away. "I knew something was wrong."

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