Part Twelve ~ Harry's Night

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Wednesday 21st February; 12.13 am

Zayn woke from his dream with a hard on. He wasn't sure why he'd dreamt of Niall or of sleeping with him but for some bizarre reason the thought and image aroused him. Zayn knew that Harry was to die tonight and how he'd get off the couch without Niall noticing was a mystery, but in the end he figured it out.

Zayn took out his case, collecting the spray paint he'd used a week ago on Louis. He also took the jar of blood he'd collected from Liam and then was tempted to take the blow torch... So he did, along with a chloroform rag in a round container. He snuck out of the bedroom and visited Harry who was fast asleep.

Zayn put on his gloves and opened Harry's door. Harry was asleep thankfully he was. Zayn placed the items on the floor and opened the container, wincing each time the lid creaked. Once it was off Zayn took the drugged cloth and held it tightly over Harry's mouth and nose till he was knocked out cold. Zayn smirked and began to pour the full medium-sized jar of blood all over Harry's body under the sheets. He poured it into Harry's hair and along his face as well as inside his boxers.

Zayn dropped the jar to the floor and then smirked at the blowtorch. He lifted it and began to light Harry's sheets. The blood on is skin began to crackle against the harsh heat and Zayn knew it was melting into Harry's skin. Zayn tried to lift the sheets but it stuck tightly to Harry's skin... Perfect.

Zayn rest the scorching blowtorch pipe on Harry's cheek, not caring for the cooked smell coming from Harry. Zayn shook his can of paint and began to paint a message quickly, in straight lines. He drew and huge oval around it and put the lid back on before leaving the room. Zayn knew every place would be searched after Harry was found and early tomorrow morning would be rubbish day.

On the way back to the room Zayn threw his things into the hotel rubbish bin and then went back to his room, careful not to leave prints over Harry. Zayn burnt his gloves on the concrete porch and let the ashes blow in the wind. He shut the ranch slider and woke up Niall

"Mmm, what?" Niall's eyes half opened

"We should go to bed baby" Zayn stroked Niall's cheek "I don't want you sore tomorrow"

"Okay" Niall's voice was soft

Zayn held both Niall's hands and helped him to his feet, guiding Niall to the double bed.

"Here you go" Zayn let go of one hand and put his spare hand on Niall's lower back to help him into bed

Niall lay down and Zayn got into the other side, kissing Niall for around five minutes. Zayn hugged Niall tightly and Niall whispered three words that Zayn was forced to respond to

"I love you" Niall cuddled to Zayn

"I love you too" Zayn wrapped an arm around Niall

The two boys tangled their legs together and fell back to sleep, this time Niall mumbled Zayn'z name again... Zayn mumbled Niall's back.

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