Sam!!! Basics

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Here's some stuff about me that you might like to know if you care...


Name: Samantha

Nickname: Sam/Sammy

Birthday: December 24

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Phobias: Spiders, heights

Obsessions: Bands (BVB, SWS, PTV, too many more), Anime (too many to even begin), YouTube

Relationship Status: Recently Single :/

Coffee or tea?: TEA

Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Smooth like a babies bottom

Drums or guitar: Guitar

Wet or set: Wet ;)

Lefty or righty?: Lefty

Sun or moon: Moon (cause I'm a vampire rawr)

Favorite color: Dark Purple

Cusser?: Shit maybe


Ayyy guys! Thanks for reading this far. If you want, you should comment your fav YouTuber/Anime/Band so that we can bond. I really need some friends right now...

Tata for now!!!

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