He's Floored

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This is dedicated to GinaMills who along side David is probably the biggest CaptainFloor shipper.  Inspired by gallifreyanfairytale 's OUAT on Instagram universe. This is in Captain Panini Head's perspective.


David and Regina are so mean to me. Neal has stolen Emma's heart once again. All thanks to Regina's stupid thieves. I looked at the lovely Floor beneath my boots. The Floor was always there to catch me when I'd fall.

I was always pushed around, especially on Instagram. I'd always see the mean hashtag #HookIsDeadLol. So now I look upon my beautiful shiny Floor. It's scratches and nicks gave her character. She had more meaning than Emma (sorry love).

So I collapsed onto my love, my real soulmate, my true love. I was sprawled across the Floor. Taking my hook, I scratched my name onto her. I gave the Floor a small kiss.

"I love you, Floor. You complete me," I said until I heard giggling behind me.

"This is going on my Instagram Captain Panini Head. Aww you're my OTP!!" Regina said as she laughed at her phone, making me mad.

I'd always be with my Floor at least.


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