December's Snow

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A male, wolf-human-like creature walks along the street in the rather small neighborhood he lives in, his home one of a mere two houses, the rest of the surrounding area an ominous, lush, green forest. With his white wolf ears perked on his human head, after many miles of forest, he here's the chaos of the far away city rushing for shelter as rain begins to sprinkle. His nose twitches with the smell of the last candy apples being sold.
Tobi Armada grips the edges of his brown jacket, pulling the fabric closer to his body for the warmth and the comfort of a precious, fading scent. A painful strike of painful memories stab at Tobi's mind. Once again, he longs to cradle her smooth face in his hands one more time, or to see her bright smile one more time. Or even to watch her defend herself and her friends from a black-scarfed man only one more time.
The clouds ease over the forest, causing small droplets of rain to fall on Tobi. His footsteps slow as he begins to draw to a stop, unable to prevent himself from thinking about a certain girl in blue.

'Hey there, little puppy dog!' She called happily as she bounced towards a sleeping figure, awakening it from its sleep on the bench that cold afternoon. 'You're gonna catch a cold if you stay out in this cold weather! It's going to start raining pretty soon!'
'Who're you calling "little"?' The figure groaned sleepily as it sat up from the bench, revealing himself to the girl. Tobi perked his snowy wolf ears and looked over at the blurred, blue figure of a girl who was now standing over him. 'I'm taller than you, and I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, too.' He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
The girl giggled and glanced at Tobi with a playful, yet mischievous smirk on her face. Then she shifted into an incredibly large, blue, dragon looking-like creature, and she lowered her head to meet his wide, brown eyes.
'You, ya' little puppy dog!' She grinned a big dragon grin before she picked Tobi up by the hood of his warm, brown jacket.
'O-Okay! You can put me down no-' Tobi shouted at her, and he was cut off by his own scream as the dragon-girl-creature tossed him high into the air. She raised her head and caught him by the hood of his jacket before she set him down with a gentle smile.
The strange girl shifted back into her supposed-to-look-human-and-pulls-it-off form just as a goth-looking guy wearing all black, and another in casual swordsman-like clothes, came running. The two called over to Tobi, shouting that he needed to come home because he might catch a cold. As they walked away the two boys ask about the girl dressed in blue.

Tobi shivers and shakes his head, his white hair hesitating to continue the motion as he tries to clear his thoughts. It doesn't work though, of course, because he goes right back to thinking about the beautiful girl in her beautiful, bright blue, tears forming at the edge of his eyes.
'Aww! The Coca-Colas are so cute!' A male in casual swordsman-like clothes called from the living room as he sat on a battered, brown couch, watching some show on Animal Planet about dogs. Tobi had just left the room and was making his way to his own.
'They're called Cocker Spaniels, Yuga.' A goth-looking man decorated entirely in black said with an annoyed tone lacing his voice. He stood by the back of the couch, his attention stolen by the puppies on screen.
Tobi turned and looked over his shoulder where he thought he had just seen a flash of scaly blue on the other side of the window, but he pushed the thought away, simply ignoring whatever might have been messing with his head.
Then he heard footsteps outside and a rhythmic knock on the door. Tobi turned around, and Yuga paused his Cocker Spaniel show as he jumped up, yelling as loud as possible, 'I got it!' before he ran for door.
Yuga violently swung open the door, looked outside, screamed, then immediately slammed with door shut with incredible speed. He turned around, and leaned heavily against the door, a look of sheer horror written all over his face.
'THERE'S A DRAGON OUTSIDE!' Yuga screamed as if it had been the end of the world.
The goth male rolled his eyes with a sigh, and a small smile made it's way onto Tobi's face, A voice in the kitchen squealed with horror.
'Th-there's a DRAGON?' The voice in the kitchen continued, whimpering fearfully and full of panic. 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!'
'Kiyone, there isn't a dragon outside. Those things went extinct like, a long time ago. Yuga's just being stupid. As always.' The man in black said as he walked over to the door.
'Hey! I'm not stupid!' Yuga retorted, clearly offended.
The man in the kitchen slowly crept out and stopped in front of the hallway, his back to Tobi. He was dressed entirely in the color gold, even his hair was shade of gold.
Tobi stayed in the hallway until the man in gold turned and noticed him. 'Tobi get back to bed! You have a cold!'

'Kiyone!~' Tobi whined, dragging out the end of his name. 'I'm perfectly' he sneezed 'fine!'
Yuga cautiously turned around and cracked open the door, poking his head outside.
'Hello!' Said a feminine voice from outside.
Tobi wagged his white, wolf tail at the sound of the girl's cheerful voice.
'Huh? Where'd the dragon go?' Yuga looked around outside, not paying any notice to the girl.
'I'm the dragon, Silly!' The girl said playfully.
'No, you're not! You're just a girl!' Yuga said stubbornly, unsatisfied.
After a moment of hesitance and playful giggle, Yuga gasped, and he stepped back, throwing his head over his shoulder to look at the goth man. 'See I told you there was a dragon, Shiku!' He called to him.
Tobi leaned to his right a little to try make an attempt to see what was going on outside.
'There IS NOT a dragon!' Shiku snapped, moving for the door. The girl giggled once again.
'Is Tobi here?' The girl asked, and Tobi heard the rustling of her hair as she looked around.
'Why do you want to know?' Shiku growled at her suspiciously.
'I wanted to apologize to him.' The girl responded. "My name's December by the way.'
'Tobi has a cold. He's in bed.' Shiku said flatly. 'Go away.'
'No! I'm not in bed!' Tobi said and started to rush towards the door.
Kiyone tried to stop Tobi by getting in his way. 'Tobi! Go back to bed!' His voice was laced with worry.
'No! I don't need to! I'm' Tobi sneezed. 'perfectly fine!' He pushed past Kiyone and stopped at the door, ducking under Yuga's arm and standing in front of him.
He looked right at December. Her hair was set up in pigtails, and it was so long it ended right above her knees. Her eyes were a bright blue and she looked up at him with an angelic smile. She wore a beautiful blue dress with a darker blue, unzippable jacket. She wore blue sneakers that did match with the dress what so ever.
'Come in!' Tobi said with a sheepish grin.
'Tobi, I don't think that's not a good idea!' Shiku said as he turned to face Tobi. 'We shouldn't let strangers into the house.'
'Or dragons!' Kiyone chimed in. 'They are dangerous and horrifying!'
'Oh, come on guys!' Tobi looked around at the four males in the entrance.. 'She's not gonna hurt anybody!'
After that Tobi invited December to stay for dinner. With a small amount of arguing, followed by pathetic, yet worthy, cheering, December decided to stay. They ate, made some really bad puns that were so unfunny it was funny, and then December had to leave. The group of men followed her outside.
December waved a farewell, and she smiled her perfect smile as she began to run into the woods. She leaped up and as she did she turned into a gorgeous, bright blue, scaly beast. December looked over her shoulder and winked at Yuga.
'See guys! I told you there was a dragon!' Yuga laughed, and he pointed at December as she flew away.
Shiku blinked in surprise. 'I can't believe it!'
December laughed as she flew away. Her voice was deep and guttural, and she might have sounded angry to them, but there was no doubt she was truly just happy. Kiyone screamed, and Tobi laughed. Yuga did as well. Shiku just rolled his eyes. Again.

Tobi takes a few steps, stumbling forward, towards the bench on the side of the narrow path. He rests his hand on the back of the bench and his eyes begin to water. Tears begin to slide down his cheek and he looks at the bench. It was where he met her. His precious December.
"N-No... I-I shouldn't think about her. I should go back to the house." Tobi wipes at his eyes, trying as hard as he can to think about something else, but the tears keep on falling. He can't do anything but think about her.
The rain starts becoming colder, much colder than usual. Tobi looks up as he stumbles forward and sits on the wet bench. He shivers and looks at the ground.
"Why? Why do I do this to myself?" Tobi asks himself aloud, sniffling.
'Ooh! Is there gonna be a grand tour?' December had asked Tobi.
'Sure! If you want!' Tobi chuckled and rustled December's pretty, blue hair. He looked into her sapphire blue eyes, they sparkled alongside her angelic smile.
'I'll show you my room first!' Tobi smiled and grabbed December's hand.
The two ran towards an orange door with no handle. Tobi placed his hand on the door and the door exploded into waves falling away from them. Tobi and December entered his room and the door reformed, before disappearing, behind them.
December looked around Tobi's room. It was a beach with a little cabin not too far away.
'It's a beach!' December pointed out the obvious like a little child. 'No matter what memories I might have of one of these, I've always loved the beach! I still do!'
Tobi looked at his room. 'Wanna hang out here then?'
'Yes!' December laughed and jumped up, pumping her fists into the air.
'Okay, I'll go change, you wait here.'
Tobi ran off to the cabin. He ran inside and thought of December in a bikini. Tobi's face turned red and he quickly changed into swim trunks. By the time Tobi was out of his room, the uninvited blush had crept off of his face.
Tobi trotted over to December and found her looking down at herself. She was wearing a blue bikini with a blue water skirt that was somewhat revealing.
'I don't recall changing into this.' December said, clearly confused.
Tobi held back a chuckle. 'It's the room. It does that.' Tobi said, only telling her part of the truth. He didn't tell her the part about where he made that happen.
'Ooh!' December exclaimed with understanding.
She ran over to the water and beckoned Tobi to follow her. Tobi did, only to be attacked by a splash of water.
Tobi laughed. 'Oh! You're asking for it!'
The two played water wars for a bit then went and sat in the sand. December laid back, propped on her elbows, and Tobi sat, leaning backwards on his hands. The two caught their breath, looked at each other with wicked grins.
'Tobi... Seriously? You perv.' December heard a voice behind them.
December rolled over to find Shiku looking down at them.
'Tobi isn't a perv!' December argued.
'Yes he is! Look at what that perv pu-' December cut Shiku off.
'BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! TOBI'S NOT A PERV! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!' December shouted over Shiku, not listening to his words of somewhat truth.
Tobi internally let out a sigh of relief that December was so stubborn and that Shiku was so cold. Shiku let out a growl of annoyance and left the room.
'Why'd he come in here anyway?' Tobi asked himself aloud as December rolled back over.
December yawned. 'I don't know. But who cares? You're a good friend and he decides to be a party-pooper that's his problem!'
'Friend?' Tobi asked and looked at December. 'I'm your friend? I-I don't have any... Friends...'
The sun, which was once setting, was now blocked by rain clouds. It had started to drizzle.
December crawled over to Tobi and hovered over him.
'You have friends, Tobi, you're my friend.'
Tobi's eyes watered. 'N-No. I don't- I don't have any friends. N-Nobody likes me, at least not after what I'd done.'
December looked at Tobi in the eye, he could see the worry, care and another hidden emotion in her eyes.
'I like you Tobi. I like you a lot... More than a friend.' December said and her cheeks had started to dazzle pink, standing out in the blue.
'Really?' Tobi asked, his cheeks beginning to dazzle as well.
'Tobi,' December paused. 'I love you.'
Tobi pulled December into a tight embrace, the clouds clearing. 'I love you too.'

Tobi choked on a sob and threw his head back. He looked up at the sky as the heavy drops of rain collided with his face before running away and sliding to the ground.
"December..." Tobi barely managed to choke out her name. "I wish you could know how sorry I am."
Tobi ran through the large hole in the wall just as the petrifying scream pierced his ears. Tobi stopped dead, fear jabbing him. It was December. Tobi peered through another hole, this time in the floor. He saw the love of his life, gasping for air, groaning in pain, and intense worry in her eyes. A man in black a black scarf, now stained in December's blood, stood with a large knife through her back, peeking out of her stomach.
'Good. Now that this stupid brat is out of my way, where were we my precious little neko?' The man said as he turned to face a neko boy with red hair who sat in chains. The man in the bloodied, black scarf pulled the knife from her back.
Tobi let out a sob as he watched December's precious body slumped to the floor. If only he'd gone after her sooner.

'December...' Tobi stepped forward, all of his weight in his foot. The man's eyes quickly landed on him. 'Kuma... You... You killed her...'
Tobi looked down at Kuma then back at December's limp body. Her blue hair started turning into a faded orange, then green. Her skin had started to turn pale and her eyes slowly lost their color as blood poured from the wound in her back.
'You killed her!' Tobi shouted and tears streamed down his face like a river.
He pulled his thumb to his mouth and bit it, his sharp, wolf-like teeth piercing his skin and making him bleed. The blood that was seeping through his thumb turned into a knife-like blood-wave thing. It rushed towards Kuma and his bloody scarf, but a hand grabbed it, just before it hit Kuma. Kuma stood with wide eyes. Tobi recognized an ally of sorts.
The ally growled at Tobi. 'Go and notify the others. I want to take Kuma on myself.' He said, only the smallest hint of his rage in his voice.
Tobi sobbed and screamed at him. 'No, Ace! He killed her! I can't stand here and do nothing! I loved her! This is my fight!'
'Tobi! Don't be a fool! You know you can't beat Kuma!' The ally shouted back at him, his fury slightly showing. 'I'm the only one here capable of taking on him AND his mother! And you're not the only one who loved her. I loved her to.'
'Fine! Just...' Tobi choked on a sob. 'Just make sure he pays for what he did to her!'
Tobi turned around and fled. He knew he would hate himself for this. For turning his back on December and her murderer when he knew he might never be able to see him again.
Tobi made for the home of his friends and him and when he slammed open the door Shiku and Yuga looked at him right away. Shiku's eyes widened instantly. Tobi almost never cried in front of Yuga.
'Tobi?! What's going on?!' Yuga asked, fear and worry in his eyes as he jumped up from the couch.
'It's... It's December...' Tobi paused, trying to catch his breath as he spoke between sobs. 'She's... She's dead.'
Yuga let out a nervous giggle. 'Yo- You're joking right? You're joking?! Please tell me you're joking!'
'Yuga!' Tobi snapped at him. 'Why would I joke about this! She's dead!' Tobi wailed and fell to his knees.

Tobi sniffles and looks at the bench he's sitting on. He rubs his hand across where his head laid when she came bouncing up to him. Tobi squeezes his eyes shut tight and bites his bottom lip, trying to hold back tears.
At that moment in the depths of the rainy winter, December fourth, he feels something soft and gentle land on his nose. Tobi wipes it off with his hand and sees a snowflake.
Tobi looks up to the sky as more snowflakes fall from the stars above him. "It-It never snows..." Tobi wipes away his tears.
"Tobi!" Yuga calls to him from the house. "Dinner's ready!"
Tobi stands up with a smile. "Coming!"
Tobi smiles a bright smile and wipes away his tears. He reaches a hand towards the sky.
"This is December's snow." He says to himself and brings his hand to his chest. He looks down and sees two snowflakes. Happily side by side.

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