Beauty Tips: Fat? No, Bloated

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Would you believe it if I tell you that you aren't really that fat, it's just that you feel bloated that's why you ended up thinking that you're fat.

People claim that you don't always have to say that you're fat because sometimes, it's not true.

Here are the things that causes you to feel bloated:


Insufficient water intake and excessive amount of caffeine will make you fell bloated.

Solution: Drink 8 glasses of water a day and avoid drinking too much caffeine. 

2Eating too fast

Don't ever try eating too fast because it won't ever be worth it.

Solution: Slow down a bit and take time in eating! 


Suffering from stress will surely make you feel bloated

Solution: Take time to relax, enjoy life and hang out with your friends.


 Constipation clogs you up that will result to leaving the gasses inside your body.

Solution: Try adding some fiber in your diet and start eating veggies and fruits.


Carbs will surely make you feel bloated. Beans and sugar are the ones to be blamed.

Solution: Try switching to a much healthier diet by decreasing the intake of beans and other carbohydrate sources.

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