At Home... Maybe

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Summer is probably that best time to be alive. Unless you're stuck. At your brothers swim practice. With nothing to do. Now that I look back, I wish that I hadn't taken that for granted. But then again, maybe not.

As I was saying, I was stuck at swim practice. I was thinking about Star Trek, and listening to my favorite playlist. Everything was boringly normal, and then it wasn't. A light of sorts surrounded me, and the strangest feeling came over me. Like I was falling apart, down to my molecules. But it didn't hurt. I closed me eyes, and I wanted to yell out, but I didn't have the time.

I slowly opened one of my eyes, and then opened both. I think I started to go into shock. I was on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 D. And everyone was starring at me. A natural response if some random teenage girl beams aboard.

So like any sane person, who thinks rationally and calmly, I paused my music.

"So... just checking, this is the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 D?". I asked, looking around at everyone. Commander Data was on my right, and Wesley Crusher was on my left. In front of me was Captain Picard, Commander Riker, and Counselor Troi.

"Yes, this is. And who are you?" Captain Picard asked.

"Evelyn Rogers. So... I just need a minute. This is real, right? Not a random hallucination brought on by a random chemical mixture?" I said, as I started to hyperventilate. Everyone was looking at me like I had inhaled some chemicals.

"I'm good, I'm good, I'm ok... No, wait, never mind." And I passed out. I think this was from the shock from going from a swimming pool to starship bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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