Character Profiles

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A/N- This is sorta a chapter. I'm still editing the second chapter so I decided that I would write a quick chapter profile thingy. This gives you an idea of all the characters in my story. ALSO I'M GOING TO RE WRITE SOME OF THE FIRST CHAPTER. I ADDED A FEW MORE CHARACTERS AND MADE A DIFFERENT DESCRIPTION FOR A CHARACTER, SO PLEASE RE-READ THE FIRST CHAPTER😀THANKS😀😚

●Rose Weasley- (me if I could be a fictional character) 6th year prefect, Gryfindor, totally smart, has deep blood red hair, blue eyes with green around the outside, small sized but still has that powerful woman personality, totally bada**, sort-of a prankster, keeper on the Gryfindor quiditch team, best friend: Alice Longbottom
●Scorpius Malfoy- (90% of why i want to be Rose Weasley) 6th year prefect, Slytherin, really smart, HOT, blonde messy hair, grey eyes with small specks of blue, very tall and very muscular, chaser on the Slytherin quiditch team, best friend:Albus Potter
●Albus Potter- 6th year Sytherin, like his dad so not a prefect but team captain of the Slytherin quiditch team, black messy hair, green eyes, smart-ish, very tall and agile, best friend: Scorpuis Malfoy, Seeker on the Slytherin quiditch team
●Alice Longbottom- 6th year Gryfindor, Dirty blonde hair, Dark brown eyes, best friend: Rose Weasley, keeper on the Gryfindor quiditch team, medium height
●Zach McLaggen- 6th year Slytherin, black hair, hazel eyes, Scorpuis' enemy, likes Rose but I'm the nice, caring way of you know what I mean, chaser on the Slytherin quiditch team, very tall too
●Headmistress MaGonagal- light brown hair, brown hair, very old, small
●Paisly Zabini- 6th year Slytherin, HUGE crush on Scorpius, mean girl, blonde hair, brown eyes, fairly attractive, medium height, Rose's enemy
●Carson Goyle- 6th year Slytherin, was enrolled in Durmstrang for his first 5 years of school, moved to Hogwarts beginning of 6th year, tall, lean and muscular, black hair, blue eyes, pretty dang hot, Scorpuis second best mate
●Audrey Smith- 6th year Slytherin, medium height, Dark long hair, green eyes, Albus' love interest, friendly, has a great sense of humor/sarcasm
●Lilly Potter- 4th year Gryfindor, small-ish, red hair, brown eyes, very pretty, almost always has a boyfriend, Rose's favorite female cousin, can be annoying at times though
●James Potter- 7th year Gryfindor, black messy hair, green eyes pretty tall and muscular, almost identical to Harry Potter except the without the glasses, Seeker on the Gryfindor quiditch team, Quiditch God, team captain, prankster, best friend: Fred Weasley
● Fred Weasley- 7th year Gryfindor, red hair, hazel eyes, tall, prankster, beater on the Gryfindor quiditch team, twin: Roxanne Weasley, best friend: James Potter
●Roxanne Weasley- 7th year Gryfindor, twin: Fred Weasley, meduim- tall height, red straight hair, Dark green eyes, prankster, chaser on the Gryfindor quiditch team, doesn't study much, very pretty
●James(Cole) Bones- 6th year Gryfindor, nickname: Cole, tall, brown hair, brown eyes, has a crush on Alice, attractive, beater on the Gryfindor quiditch team
●Lorcan Schmander- 6th year Ravenclaw, blonde hair, blue eyes, twin: Lysander, has a crush on Madisyn Cooks, chaser on the Ravenclaw quiditch team
●Lysander Schmander- 6th year Ravenclaw, blonde hair, blue eyes, twin: Lorcan, has a crush on Lilly, chaser on the Ravenclaw Quiditch team
Ok I just realized that I dont think anything is posted on the first chapter. Can someone please tell me if there is or isn't?

Slap Also if you think I should change something about one of the characters, please comment I always love input!😚😊
The Seeker

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