Ch. 6: The Starting Line

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Mulan's P.O.V.

We were having lunch when we heard the Emperor's horn, knowing that it's very urgent so we all got up and headed towards the gate, but Jade and I were told stay inside. Grandmother coughed a little pointed up telling us that we can listen to the announcement, so ran over to wall and started climbing. Once on top we saw some soldiers and a messenger, who happens to be part of the council. They were telling the villagers about Shang Yu having to cross the Great Wall of China and that they need soldiers, and also, they needed the soldiers to bring the Prince's bride to the palace for further protection. They started naming off family names, and usually the oldest male goes up, and I knew that they're going call father's name soon, so I got off the wall and headed towards the gate right when they called it.

I noticed that Jade jumped down as well, but to try to stop me. Of course, I won't listen to her, for I don't want I father going into war with the health he is in.

"WAIT!!" I called out towards them stopping them handing father the scroll. "Please don't send father to war he is still..."

"Hold your tongue girl." The man from the council sneered staring straight at me. "Fa Zhou, you should teach your daughter to hold her tongue in the presence of those from the council."

"Mulan, you've disgraced me a second time." Father said glaring at me. "Get inside this minute and we'll talk about this later."

I went back inside and I noticed why Jade tried to stop, for she seems to be glaring at the council guy with hate. I stopped at her side with my head down knowing that I'll be punished if I say another word, and I watched as our father took the scroll from the soldier that was handing them out. After finishing calling the family names, everyone went back to either inside their homes or back to their businesses. We went inside and we started getting ready for dinner, but it was silent.


It was dinner time, and everyone is still silent. Jade was avoiding my eyes, as well as mother and grandmother. I gotten to the point of slamming down my cup of tea getting everyone's attention.

"You don't need to go to war again!" I yelled at father, who was again glaring at me for speaking out to him.

"It is my duty and my honor to fight for the Emperor and for my family." He said closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them.

"So, you'll die for honor." I argued and Jade looked like she was about to interfere. "Don't even think about, Jade."

Jade closed her mouth after I said that and looked disappointed at me.

"I'll die for what right," He said starting to look even angier. "I know my place, and it's time for you to know yours like how Jade knows her place."

I got up and ran, knowing that he is right in many ways. No one didn't stop me, which doesn't surprise me. I ran towards my favorite spot, and the rain and thunder were still going on.

Jade's P.O.V.

I know how my sister feels, but she doesn't know what damage she could bring to the family if she keeps this up. When she ran out I thought she just needs to cool off, and may be the rain will help with that.

'I better go check on her.' I thought going outside heading towards her favorite place when she feels upset.

When I finally found her, she was looking towards the window to our mother and father's bedroom, and I saw that father trying to consult mother but she turned away from him. I then looked at Mulan and saw that she had a sad look, and knew she just wants to help our father. She jumped down from where she was sitting and saw me standing there in the rain looking at her.

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