The Center: Chapter 2; OMG

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     I sat on my beach chair I tryed  to move but I just couldn't budge. There he was Drew. I relized I was staring and try to shake it like I was looking at something else.

".... Hi. " I said it sounded like I was going to puke but I wasn't

" Hey! It's been soooo long. I missed you so much ! "  he ran over and gave me a big hug

It was the hug I'd been craving for so long. It's almost as if that hug lifted every wait and worry on me,  all I could see or think about was him. This was perfect, a never ending hug.

" Hows life ? I thought you'd have a facebook but I forgot you last name.. aha , what is it again? " drew said so happy and hyper. HE was just perfect all together with his slim torso and rock hard abs. Love it. Nikki Monroe, sounds good.

" Nikki Trish " I reminded him.

I hated my name. My initials spelt NOT ( Nikki Olivia Trish ) not the most attractive thing in the world .

I watched as he pulled out his what looked like really exspensive phone. My butt vibrated and I checked it. Friend request from Drew Monroe.  Life's good. We sat and talked until he left. I could've cried but I kept it back. I never wanted that hug to end.

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