boYs AcAdemy

34 0 0

Author' Warning:

Plz bear with new jst here..wel not literalLy but..what i mean in wRiting my Story...jst want u guys to knw that i nOt goOd in GramMar and woRst sPelLing buT plz UndErStand nO oNes perfect ryt...also i miGht not be able to update as frequently as posSible..and critisism is Open and for sale..hahahaha chaRot..jejeje

wel thats ol for nOw..

oh wait nO bAd words plz..converVa pa ateCh hahahahaha choz lng..wel lets start..


I Jst want to PurSue my PasSioN...

to MoDel..

to PhotoGraph..

to paint..

to be me..

but i guesS its hard to Own that dReam sPecialLy if u are a part Of a BuSineSs fReak-of-a-family..

wel nOt all of them...Like my mOm whos always at my sidE when i was litTle..she always say that nOthIng wilL make u mOre HaPpy than fulfilLing what makes u haPpy..

yoU knw eveRythIngs fine bAck then..Until My NiGhtmaRe haPpen...both of my Parents dieD in a Accident 7 yRs ago..and that shaTteRed me..

after a year..ive tRieD to staRt fulfilLing my Dream..for alMost 5 yRs Ive beEn living my dreams until nOw..wel i gueSs when tHings is going sMoOthly, a fuckin Problem suDdenly poP ouT of nO where..

mY kuYa cAlLed and i knew SumThing Bad will definitely haPpen..

..." LeOneSsa u wilL take BusiNesS courSe in mY SchoOl.."

" What the F????"


OopS tilL nxt tym..;-)

boYs AcAdemyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon