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Blue is the way you feel when sleep won't come at 2am
You're missing someone

Blue is that shirt you kept all this time because it still smells just like that person

Blue is when you stand in an open field and take in the never ending sky
Blue is wondering why you can't reach it
Blue is how free it makes you feel just standing there for a moment
Looking at the world around you

Blue is the feeling of defeat when you are trying not to cry
And the tears fall anyway
Blue is the salty cold trails the tears leave down your cheeks

Blue is the first autumn wind sneaking up on you
Cutting into you

Blue, those songs you really love
The only problem being,
They dig up pieces of the past you would rather forget
So you can't stand the songs anymore

Blue is a sigh
When you have had a long day
You let your coat fall to the floor and flop down on your bed

Blue is not knowing what you feel
Sad yet happy

Blue, blue, blue-

A chant

A cry for help

A prayer to a God you aren't sure you believe in

So if I am so lucky as to have a few people read this, it would mean a lot if you like and comment. Maybe tell me your opinion on my writing and how I can make it better. Tell what blue is for you maybe.

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