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-Jenna's Pov-
Walking up. Why do i even have to get out of my bed. Thats the question of the universe, but sense that question isn't answered i have to get up. I swing my legs off my bed and onto the cold wood floor of my room.I slowly drag my feet across my room and into the hallway and into the bathroom
"Ahhhhh, Jenna Get out!!!" My 14 year old sister threw a brush at me and slammed the door in my face.
"Come on Bree you've been in there so long, i need to take a shower!" I whined
"Go downstairs!" She said again
"Ugh, fine" i groaned as i walked down the stairs slowly
I walk into the other bathroom, turn on the shower, and lock the door. I wash my face with my clean and clear face wash and brushed my teeth. I Took of my clothes and got in the shower. I sighed as the warm water hit my skin. I stood there about to fall asleep but i stood straight again and washed my hair. Then i used my strawberry body wash to wash my body, rinsed off , and turned off the the shower.I reached out to grab my towel that i got before i got in the shower. Thats when i realized, it wasn't there, somebody must have taken it, i know just who.
"TOBY!!!!" I screamed.
Toby is my 20 year old brother who doesn't have a job, a girlfriend, or a life. He just lives in the basement while playing video games.
I heard him lightly laugh behind the door
"TOBY GIVE IT BACK!!" I whined
"Nope sorry little sis" he laughed
I hate when he calls me that, I'm only 17 years old, I'm about to be a young adult.
"I swear when i find out to get out i will chop your balls off!" I screamed
Thats when i had an idea, i got Toby's new electric razor
"Hey Toby, you know your new electric razor?" I asked
"Umm, yeah what?" He asked worriedly
"I dropped it in the toilet" i said like it was no big deal
"WHAT!" He bursted threw the door i quickly grab my towel from him and covered myself
"Did you flush it?" He asked while tears were coming down his face
"I was just kidding to get my towel back, its right here" i handed it to him while i walked upstairs. Once I reached my room I locked my door so none of my puppy siblings can come in. Just i turned around I saw David, my 4 year old brother, on my bed trying on my vans and converse
"David, can please get out buddy?" I asked sweetly
"Sure sissy" he said and got out
He was my favorite. I locked my door once again and dried my body. I looked threw my closest in till i found the perfect outfit. It was a grey sweater with a grey nit scarf, a royal blue skirt, royal blue wedges, a gold Jenna necklace, my gold charm bracelet, and white and gold feather earrings. I Blowdried my hair and straightened it. My whole family has blonde hair and light eyes, and i got bored of my hair so i dyed it purple its what makes me special, my parents were mad but whatever.For makeup i did a natural eyeshadow with thick eyeliner, some mascara, i did my eyebrows, did a little bit of contouring, and some Red lipstick. I checked my self one last time. Your probably wondering why I'm wearing a sweater,well i live in Canada its already cold enough here, but at the same time its autumn so. I then fixed my bed and went down stares. I grabbed a apple and ate it. I looked at my phone and it was 7:15.
"Come guys time to go school!!" I alway drive my brother and sis to school in my Jeep. I drop off David then I'm off to school because Bree goes to the same high school, she's a freshman and I'm a senior.
When they finally got downstates we all got our bags and lunches and we were off.
Once we got to my school i parked my jeep in a parking space, turned it off, and got out. I walked into school and went straight to my locker. I got my biology book, notebook, my pencil pouch, my phone, headphones, and some toiletries and put those all in my bag. I looked at the clock and i have about 5 minutes till the bell rings, which was perfect timing for my best friend, Noah, to come and save me from boredom
"Was-up my Bitch" he said sassy
You see i don't worry about me and Noah getting together because he is gay, and honestly, he is the best-best friend i have ever had. He listens to all my problems, and gives me tips on my style.
"Nothing my foxy-bimbo!" I said
"OMG! You look frazzled! What did your siblings do this time" He asked
"First Bree threw a brush at me and made me use the bathroom downstairs, then when i was done taking a shower Toby took my towel so i used his new razor as bait, next David stunk up the car with his fart, And last but not least i had maple syrup all over my wheel from the pancake fight they had yesterday" I ranted
"Wow, well at least they didn't get anything on your super cute outfit!!" He said trying to sound joyful
"At least not yet" i rolled my eyes
That's When the bell rang for our first period
"See you at Lunch!" I waved to Noah while walking to biology with Mr.Anderson.
When i got in to the classroom i jumped on his desk
"Wassss-up mr. A" i said
"Nothing much J" he said back
He has known me so long we're friends.
I then went to my desk and took out my notebook, textbook, and pencil pouch.
The day just dragged along as a normal school day was in till it was the end of the day. While i was walking toward my locker i saw Shawn, Shawn Mendes getting pushed against the lockers, so i had to do something. Me and Shawn aren't really friends but our parents are the best of friends so we see each other a lot.
"Hey stop doing that to him" i said to To the bully, Jake
"Do you even go here?" He asked. I noticed a lot of people were circling around us
"In Fact i do, you just never notice me, I'm always in the corner, i eat with the lunch ladies and my one friend, and I'm always in the shadows. But that doesn't matter right now, because we can fight right now just know you will be on the ground and i will walk away, and i don't want that, so you will let him go , and walk away, because you deserve to be somewhere to help you with your issues, because if you mess with him, or anybody in the school, i will make sure to ruin your permanent record in a click and you won't be able to get a job or get into college, and nobody will want to come near you, but you probably don't care, just remember if you mess with anybody here, what goes around, comes around" i said
"Sure you will" he scoffed and threw a punch.
But i caught it, twisted his arm, put it on his back, and touched his shoulder blade with it.
"You want to try that again buddy?" I asked him
"Nope, I'm good" he barley got out
"Great" i said letting go of him
I just put an arm around Noah and he did the same to me, and we walked off all bad ass.
When we got outside i met up with Bree. Just as i was about to make it to my car shawn came up to me.
"Just because our parents are friends doesn't mean i need you to fight my battles, so stay away" he said
"Yeah, I'll him go from your shirt to your neck and choke you next time, see ya douche " i rolled my eyes while getting in my car.
I got out of the parking lot and went to go pick up David
"Can you believe Shawn 'i don't need you to fight my battles'" i did his voice
"Omg, you totally like him" Bree said
"I do not, he is so-" but Bree cut me off " sweet, nice, good looking, talented,great with kids- would you like me to go on" she smiled
"I was going to say rude, mean, a douche,and so childish" i said as i pulled into David's pre-school
"Mmhm" she said
"Lets just go get David" i turned off the car and got out
I went into the school and found davids class.
"Hey buddy ready to go" i said getting down to his level
"Yes sissy" he said grabbing my hand a pulling me out the door
When i got home i ran into my room, threw my bag and shoes on the floor and flopped on my bed. Im so glad I'm home. Then i got a couple texts.

From Foxy Bimbo😍🖕🏻(Noah)
Can i come over?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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