Parks, Sparks, and Things That Glow-in-the-Dark

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~Channing's POV~

One ring... Two rings... Three rings. I was uneasy. I had missed Perrie's call because I had to take a stupid shower. I waited all day for her to call then when she does I freaking miss it.

"Ummmm.... Hello?" Perrie's voice said snapping me to reality.
"Oh um. Hey! Sorry I missed your call I was in the shower." I said.

"Don't be. Sorry I called so late, I had to work..." She trailed off, she didn't sound too thrilled about that. She took a deep breath before she continued. "So I called because I wanted to know if you wanted to go to on a date, sorta. We're going to a very special place, though. It's my favorite place in the world. I would tell you why but I want to surprise you. Only if you say yes, though."

"Of course!" I said way too quickly, way too excitedly. Get it together. Let's try this again. "I mean yeah, sure. Cool, whatevs." I just said whatevs. Cue internal cringe.

"Cool? Dress nice but not too nice." She said. We agreed on what time she would arrive and hung up. Well I still have another three hours and I already showered. What should I do? Fanfiction time. I went to my Wattpad and immediately went to thekellinunderthevic's, my favorite author, page. She had just updated her story. After reading what happened between Kellin and Vic, I was crying.

God, you really need friends, I thought. It was about 8:00 so I decided to get dressed. I got fancy but not too fancy like Perrie said. I still had to impress though.

I was done with 5 minutes to spare. I went to my living room to grab my coat and wait. Pretty soon my doorbell rang. I opened it expecting it to be Perrie, boy was I wrong. There at my front door was.... Zayn?

"You must be Channing. Well if you are then, I'm here to tell you to back off. Just because we called off our engagement doesn't mean anything. She's still mine. So I'll make a deal with you. You stay away from Perrie and I won't tell management about you two, because if I decided to tell management you guys would be separated so fast, you'd get whiplash. If you're not, ignore everything I just said."

I had to roll my eyes. He's not serious is he? He can't be.

"You must be Zayn. If you are, well then I'm here to tell you that I'm not going to back off and that you two are over. Let me spell it out for you O-V-E-R. So if I were you, I'd make like Dory and just keep swimming, the other way. Like seriously, don't you have a band to abandon or a "fat joke" to make music for. So bye. If you're not Zayn, then find his number on the internet and tell him everything I said. As Sadie would say, you're welcome." I slammed the door in his face and looked at the time. All that and it's only 7:58. Two minutes until Perrie arrived. Do I tell her about what happened with Zayn? Maybe, but it's really not important. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my doorbell again. This better not be Zayn again. As I opened the door Perrie stood there looking flawless. Her smile was big.

"Hey! I didn't know if I should've honked the horn or what. So I just got out the car. You look nice by the way." She rambled.

"Thanks, so do you. You could have just honked, it would have saved you a walk." I said trying to reply to every comment she said.

"So has your day been?" She asked as we walked to the car.

"Pretty boring for the most part. I watched some American Horror Story, read some fan fiction, cried over the fan fiction, fangirled over a burrito (don't judge me), watched some lipstick compilations, got in the shower, missed your phone call, got harassed by Zayn, now I'm here. What about yours?" I said trying to take the subject off the Zayn comment by talking super fast and asking her a question. It didn't work and I could tell by the way her face contorted.

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