Chapter 1

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*Ariana's POV*

I packed the last of my bags and placed them down on by the bed that was mine for the past one month. But now, I had to leave.

Lookie here, I had been invited by my Uncle to Dubai a month ago. But sadly as it is, I had to fly back to Australia again.

Yeah, I'm from Australia. I'm 5'6 resulting in me being tall. And I DO NOT look like an average Australian 19 year old but meh. People say I look like I'm British probably because my mom ad her whole side is British.

'Ariannnaaaaaaa!!!!' My overly cheerful Aunt singsonged from the foot of the steps, not that I minded.

'Yeah?' I asked, silently padding down the stairs. 'You ready to go?' She asked.

'I don't want to go! I have about six months left of my vacations! Please, please let me stay here!' I begged, getting down on my knees.

'Don't do that!' My aunt exclaimed as she bent down and sat next to me. 'Tell you what? I have a feeling that you won't be going home tonight!' She whispered in my ear, careful not wake anybody up. Did I mention that it was 1 at night?

I looked at her confused. 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'I mean, you'll be leaving for Australia but you won't be going there.' She said as she got up and brushed her dress off.

'Now let's go!' She said, holding her hand out for me to take. I pulled myself up and fixed my clothes. We lugged my suitcases into the car and drove off.

As we pulled in to the airport's parking lot, my aunt's eyes got all teary. I wiped away the tear that had escaped from her eye.

She hugged me tight. 'I'll miss you! You're my only daughter.' She said to me, not letting go. My aunt and uncle don't have children so I'm pampered a lot.

'Hey! I'll be back before you know it!' I said, giving her a smile and kissing her cheek. She kissed mine and let go. 'Bye!' She yelled after me as I walked away into the waiting lounge.

A few hours later, I landed in America because apparently my Aunt had booked a stopping flight.

I went and sat down next to a couple of guys, faces covered with their hoods. I shrugged off the feeling that I was getting and plopped down in the empty seat next to them.

I plugged my earphones into my ears and opened the book called Winter Girls. It is a phenomenal book and I fell in love with it.

I pulled my earphones out and wrapped them around my phone, shoving them into my pocket. I focused on my book instead.

'Hey Ni! She's pretty isn't she?' I heard a voice on my right say. 'Yeah, she is! But someone else is interested in her!' I heard 'Ni' say.

I snapped my book shut irritatedly. 'You do realise that I can hear you, right?' I asked. 'How do you know it's you?' The first voice asked. Wait, I know those voices. THEIR ONE DIRECTION.

'Because I am ME!' I said putting emphasis on I and me. 'Ooh, feisty. I like it.' Most likely Harry said.

Okay, what? I mean, sure their hot and shizz BUT that really doesn't mean that I spent half of my day, tracking down where they were.

'Wait, do you know who we are?' The first one, who I recognised as Louis asked. 'LOUIS!' Ah, Daddy Direction, Liam spoke.

Louis ignored him. 'Do you?' He asked, poking me in the side. I laughed. 'Of course, I do! You're The Wanted!' I said, knowing that they despised The Wanted. But hey, life's for living in the moment!

All of them stopped moving. Like literally, not even breathing. They removed their hoods, revealing their faces.

'Oh my god! I was right!' I screamed, keeping up my act. Seriously, I could become a certified actress. Their expressions were hilarious and I couldn't take it any longer.

I burst out laughing. 'You.Should've.Seen.Your.Faces!' I said in between laughter. Smiles appeared on their faces. 'So, you DO know who we are?' Louis asked.

'Of course I do! Anyone who doesn't know who you are might as well live in a whole or under a rock. You know? Like Patrick from Spongebob?' I said. Their smiles grew bigger.

'So are you a fan?' Harry asked. 'No, I mean. Yeah, you are talented which is the reason why you are here but I just don't like spending time learning you blood types.' I replied.

They all nodded. 'Glad to have met someone who treats us normally.' Liam smiled. I nodded.

'So? How come a pretty lady like you is here all alone?' Harry asked. I raised my eyebrow.

'Well, I was in Dubai for a month to visit my Uncle and Aunt but now I'm supposed to go back.' I said, making a face at the end.

They all nodded. 'Flight 1246 has been delayed due to a snowstorm which is most likely to last for three days.' An announcement rang through the airport. I checked my ticket, cursing under my breath.

'Is it your flight?' Niall inquired from my right. I nodded. 'Guess, I should call my parents and let them know.' I said, directing my question towards Liam, who nodded.

'How long are your vacations?' Liam asked, just as I was dialling my fathers number. '6 months.' I replied.

'Then why ARE you going to...where are you going?' Louis asked. 'Australia.' I said. He gasped.

'You DO NOT look like you are from Aussie!' He exclaimed. I chuckled, nodding my head. 'I get that a lot.' I said.

'Wait, why don't you come with us to London? I mean, you do have like 6 months left, don't you?' Harry said.

'There really is no harm in asking.' Liam said, pleading eyes on. I shrugged, 'I guess'.

I called my father. Snapping my fingers at them, I urged the 5 of them to shut up. 'Hello Daddy!' I exclaimed.

'Hello, Ari! How are you?' He asked.

'I'm good. Listen, my flight got delayed and I'll be stuck here for three days. Just, um, right now. I met some friends and I was wondering wether I could go to London?' I asked, asking the lads to cross their fingers with me. They all did as told.

'Three days? Oh well, we were calling you to go with your mom to a charity event tomorrow. Seeing as you won't be able to make it, then you can go. How long do you want to go for?'

'Um, the whole of my vacations. Otherwise known as 6 months.' I said.

'Okay, I'll make your arrangements and everything. Listen,' he said, his voice dropping an octave lower.

'You don't HAVE to live at your aunts place, okay? Just, um, visit her once.'

'Okay! I'll call you.' I said and hung up the phone. 'Well?' They all asked.

'Looks like YOU guys are stuck with ME for 6 months!' I said and they all hugged me. Not one by one, but all together. And I liked it.

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