Mind Control

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i felt my body go cold with fear as the put the funny looking helmet on my head and fastened it tightly to my sweating skin. i took a death breathe as i sat there looking at a pile of cards with different shapes on them.

'are you ready to begin Jodie' said Dr.Winsor.

i nodded ky head slowly,. i knew they was watching me. The women next door had to pick a card and i had to use my power to see which card she had. she picked up the first card and i let Aiden go; fyi thats the name of my powers, he treats me better when i call him Aiden. It hurt me when we was far away from my own mind. He came back with the answer. i placed my hand on the square card. this happened for three more cards and i got the all correct.

'very good Jodie, is there anything in the room you can knock over now?' Asked Dr.Windsor. I let aiden go off into the other room, and i lost control of him, he was trashing the place and scaring the crap out of poor Mrs.Lapinsky. Everytime this happened it hurt me, i cant feel my body, my nose starts to drip pure red blood, i scream for help yet nothing can help me, once Aiden starts there is no stopping him. I felt the soft touch of Dr.Windsors hands grabbing me tightly into his cheast. Aiden stopped. Breathing heavily i flung my arms around D.Windsor, crying, yet i was smiling as i was glad that it was over.

Mr.Dale carried me back to my room where he stayed to watch over me for a while, since i had no family+ Mr.Dale was like my dad. We sat and watched cartoons together until he had to go, then i was left alone. i took tiny steps towards my window to look down on the people of San Fransico, on there phones, smiling and laughing, i wish i had a normal life, yet wishes dont come true to for girls like me. im cursed and that will never go away.

*knock knock* 'Jodie?' called Dr.Windsor. 'Come in' i replied with using a gentle tone. he walked in carrying a bag of cookies and a new toy for me, i ran.upto him and gave him a big hug. He then stayed with me and played barbies with me, and for once in my life i let a smile crack.onto my pale white face.

It was getting late so Dr.Windsor tucked me into bed and read me a story like he usually did. he was about to leave but i asked him a question or two, 'did you know my parents, do i have parents?' i asked.

'why yes Jodie everyone has parents yours just happen to live in the sky but they are always watching over you and they are always gonna love you' he replied with.

'are they every coming back for me?'

'im sorry Jodie, but im afraid not.'

'ok, thats ok, i just wondered' i said on the edge of crying. Dr.Windosor walked to my bed and sat on the end. 'you have your mothers eyes, your dads nose and both of there personalitie' he told me with a smile.

'now go to sleep ok, we have a busy day tomorrow' he kissed my forehead, turned out the lights and out the door he want. i rolled over yo face my window, i looked up to the sky to see the stars glimmering at me, maybe they was my mum and dad and the moon was there mum and dad looking over them like my parents are looking over me, i though to myself. i closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep clutching my teddy bear close to my cheast to.protect me from Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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