tuesday no tacos

20 1 6

Unfortunately we were in the middle of a game and I got too fierce well my fangs evolved , someone saw them, and they yelled hey look its a canine freak! Ugh I knew this would happen I quickly ran to our dorm of course I know your not supposed to stay in there without a counseler but at the time I didn't care. I sat crying my friends ran in along with me, they saw me sobbing my eyes out! Hey dude you alright. Caroline said.
No *sniff* and I don't think *sniff* I will be!.
Hey, I gotta idea think of Dakota!
what kind of idea is that!!! I can't have him he lives in Carolina like what in the world!... I thought.

Sobbs louder

Dude don't say that say monkey boy, those ears though!!!! But still don't mention him at a time like this! Grace in her own crazy way said.

What happened out there
Dakota: hey! seriously, umm no need for that.
Meanie: sure what's your point football geek
This guy looked about ten times a baby sumo.
What is she your girlfriend!
Dakota: n-no but you shouldn't be rude like that...

Hope u enjoyed this worked really hard

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