Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

Election day is over. I lost to Richard Atkins by 12 Votes which probably came from his foot ball team. And apparently Cameron was too tired giving head to the geeks and the rest of the male voting public. Now I have to deal with humiliation for a week I just wanted to evaporate, sublimate or maybe transform into a plant.

Fine I lost. No biggie. I can channel now my energy into other worthwhile hobbies like moping and daydreaming. Ha ha ha. Just kidding. Looking at the bright side, I'm looking forward to join one of my faved hobbies, and that is rock climbing. I needed a breather from the stressful election brouhaha for the last two weeks and the thought of not seeing Richard anymore is quite promising already. So the rock climbing will be about two weeks from now. It will be held in River Heights Park which is about an hour drive from home. Unfortunately, Cameron will not be able to come with me. I tried to convince him that I needed company in case something turns bad. But you know what he replied to me?

"Rock climbing is too 'straight ' for me Taylor. Besides, I am afraid of heights. " Cameron said.

"Whoa.... Since when did you become afraid of heights? I saw you made out with Dean in the Ferris Wheel like four stories high. Isn't that high enough for you?" I replied.

"I just don't wanna go Ty. Simple as that. Just enjoy your time there. I know you would. I'm gonna miss you though, " Cam looking at me with a mischievous grin.

"You are such a lousy liar Cam. I know that look. You would rather sleep with a random guy than to be with your best friend on this momentous occasion? How could you?" I protested but I know it will be to no avail. He just gave me that weird look. I continued blabbing anyway. " If you don't want to go with me, fine. Just be safe okay? " I finally said, throwing my hands up.

"With that temper? Looks like you'll be needing a lot more safety than I do Ty," he said.

"I'm not listening to your encouragement and what you are leading at. Now go away you midget, " I said.

Cameron now flashing his grin," Whoa. Harsh much, Goliath ? Okay. Let me make myself clear. If I were there, it would turn out to be an orgy. But with you around, it will be a snooze fest like a Sunday service. "

"Shut up already. We're not even religious. " I said.

"Whatever you say Virgin Mary," he said.

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