Chapter 1 - The New Guy

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Hi guys! Here's the PewDiePie/CutiePie fanfic I promised!(; Hope you like it!

~~P.S., remember: This is not the actual story of how Marzia and Felix met/became a couple. Just a fanfiction. Also, I live in America, and even though this is in Italy, it's going to be American based grades. Example: Felix and Marzia are seniors. People talk in English. ~~



**Marzia's POV**

"Hi Marzia!" "Missed you over the summer, Marz, we need to hang!" "Love your outfit, Marzia!" "Marzia's here!"

"Hi Lyndsey! Definitely Louise! Thanks Daph!" I reply to everyone commenting and greeting me. It was good to be back in school.

"Marzia!" My best friends Elyse and Zoe wave to me, motioning for me to go to them. I scuttle over, shrieking with joy that we're finally seniors.

"Loving that outfit." Zoe says, commenting on my new polka dot dress, Mary Janes on my feet.

"Thanks, yours too!" I replied, though I wasn't paying much attention. I heard there were some new students (Besides freshmen.) and I wanted to get first looks at them.

"Have you guys seen any of the new guys?" I ask, trying to sound as casual as I could.

"No. Why do you ask? Looking for a future boyfriend?" Elyse pipes up, sending her and Zoe into giggles. I blushed.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I did hear that there were new students." I said, becoming more serious. I hadn't seen any unfamiliar faces yet.

"Exchange students, I heard. One from Poland, one from Sweden, and one from France." Elyse said, and I nodded. I didn't know much about other countries, so I shouldn't judge.

"I'm sure we'll get introduced to them today in our classes or something" Zoe said, and Elyse and I nodded.

When the first period bell rang, Elyse and I figured out we had first period writing together, but Zoe had math, "Shoot. Well, I'll see you guys later." Zoe mumbled, somewhat disappointed.

**In Class**

"Good morning, Marzia. Good morning, Elyse." Mr. Hallows greeted Elyse and I as we took our seats in the back row. We liked talking while doing our work, and even though we could still get work done, Mr. Hallows didn't approve, so we sat in the back so he couldn't hear us.

"Seen any of the new kids yet, Marcie?" Elyse asked Marcella, a close friend.

"Yes, actually! I saw a geeky guy in the lobby. He looked pretty confused and unfamiliar so I'm guessing he's one of them!" She replied, and I sighed. Geeky isn't good.

In Vicenza High, I'm known as pretty popular, whether I want to believe it or not. I sort of have a reputation to keep, so dating geeks or even speaking to them is totally out. Unless, of course, they're giving me answers to homework.

"Geeks?" Elyse said, sighing. Marcella giggled and turned around in her seat when Mr. Hallows deep voice echoed through the room.

"As you all may know, there are some exchange students in our school this year." Mr. Hallows stated, and suddenly I got excited. One of them is so in our class! "In our writing class, I'd like to welcome an exchange student from Sweden. This is Felix." Mr. Hallows said, looking at the door.

A tall, blonde haired guy walked through the door, and everyone seemed to groan except me. I gaped, jaw dropped to the floor. Elyse looked at me, disgusted, "That must be the one Marcie was talking about. Ick." She stated, and I shrugged.

"H-hi." Felix said in a deepish voice. His stare caught mine and his eyes lit up. I smiled at him and he nervously bit his lip.

He was extremely attractive. Cleanly shaven face, longish blonde hair that was flipped perfectly to one side, and bright blue eyes. He was dorky though, with pants that were rolled up to reveal his loafers with high socks. I sighed.

He was so cute though!


Hope you liked the first chapter! Vote&comment and the next one will come out sooner!(; Thanks for reading!


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