the start

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to me this world is just normal. no magic, to fantasty, and no dream come true. ha made a joke out of that. sometimes if you want a dream to come true you need to chase it. i love dreaming but i can't chase it because of who i am, my name is sami and i have multipule personalities. each one is a different mood, like when i am angry luna appears, when i'm joyful laea appears, when i am rough and tough jay appears, and last but not least when i am chasing a dream with pride and determination kya appears. you see i can't control them but they control me, i know, i know you think it's fake but it isnt i wish it was. 


the start of my story is when i was three in which i met laea. i was in my bed when i felt like going outside. so i got up and walked down the hall and stopped at the door. "hello" is all i heard before my vision went black and heard the door opened. when i woke up i was in bed soaking wet, i shivered as my blanket was pulled off me and standing there was my mom. 

next is when i was five years old i met kya. me and laea had gotten along quite nice as the years past but one day laea wasn't there i couldn't hear or feel the movements she would make me do. that's when i felt a new sensation like someone was pulling me to go some where. the feeling wasn't like what laea made me feel, it was softer and more gental. i followed the pulling until i reached my room, then i heard a soft voice greeting me "hello sami" she had said before me and her began to ask questions of each other.

after that when i was seven years old i met luna. it happened at my grandma's house when my sister and cousins were rejecting me. i was mad, so i stood at the end of the room sobbing and when someone tried to come near i felt i should attack. i kept hearing a voice not like kya and laea's voice, this one was more demanding. it kept saying "attack, they don't care just get rid of them". after an hour i became unstable and i attacked. everyone ran upstairs and my big brother had to come and calm me down. but i attacked him too, i had bit him and sufficated him but in the end i passed out sobbing.

last is when i was nine years old i met jay. i was at school when i felt like someone was forcing me to go play with the boys and i did. me and the boys played many games it's just one problem i don't remember it. someone had tooken over my body making me do boy things. when i went home i listen to kya and laea singing in my head as the radio played but when a boy part came in i heard a new voice singing with.


this is how i met my personalities. they all are different but yet the same. how do i control them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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