Author's Note/Chatroom with Saru & Misaki?

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Sup fellow readers? Anyways a heart breaking moment for all Sarumi fans, yes I know, this fanfiction is done and completed. ;-; "cries internally" I feel you fam, I feel you.....But I really hope you guys enjoyed this fanfiction. I can not say this enough! Thank  you, thank you! For making this reach over 1k reads!! It makes me really happy to see that people love my writting and this ship so much. Since this fanfiction is over, I might add another part, were I will be talking to Saru and Misaki about how they feel about this fanfic. Also if you can't get enough of Sarumi ships, ask me and I'll defiantly make a Sarumi One-shot book!! Requests will be accepted!! Before I sign off for today, I literally thank all of you readers out there for the support!!! Love you guys!!!! <3~ 

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