A day to remember

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Another chapter for today, hope you like it ^_^ enjoy

Well here I am, alone. The girls are shopping now, but I decided not to go with them. Just didn't feel like it I guess. Oh and I have a cold because of yesterday and a high fever, just great *not*. I'm watching videos while still laying in bed when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. Quickly I put my laptop away and open the door. Nothing...but I certainly heard the doorbell. I almost close the door again when I see it, a letter is laying on the doorstep. I frown and pick it up, I look around to be sure there's nobody and close the door. I carefully open it and begin to read it when I see something black in the corner of my eye. My eyes quickly take in my surroundings and I walk slowly to where I see it, I try to touch it and it's suddenly gone. Well it was probably just the shadow of a bird reflecting on the wall, nothing to worry about. I read further and I almost drop the letter...


I don't think you know me, no, I'm certain you don't know me. I know where you live, what you do, I can see the expressions on your face. Oh and don't freak out when you read this by the way, I'm not a stalker. I only want to warn you for something. Can't tell you for what, but be sure your friends don't go to the wrong places, there are dangerous people in this world you know... Another tip: don't walk alone sweety, or you may stand face to face with someone very dangerous...

P.s. don't try to escape, I will find you

I feel my body tremble and my throat becomes dry. Who in the world is this person, or as I'd rather say: creep! I didn't mention the end wasn't black ink by the way, it was red, like blood... I have to sit down or I'll faint. Why is this happening?! Right then I hear the girls are back so I quickly hide the letter. "Heeelllloooo Sarah how you're doing?" Isa excitedly asks. "I feel a bit better, thanks for asking" I smile. "Great! 'Cause we have pancakes for dinner" Qwies says. "Yeah to cheer you up a bit!" Jenny says. "Awh thanks, that's really sweet, group hug!" We hug and laugh while I hold them tighter, I don't want to lose them.

~after dinner~

"Let's watch a movie together" Isa suggests. "Yeah, good idea, I'll get the popcorn" Qwies says. "Sorry, but I think I'd rather take a refreshing walk" I say. "Awh, well if you're sure.. should I come with you?" Jenny asks. "No, I'm fine, you can watch the movie, I'll be back in a hour or so". "Ok, stay safe!" I feel the lump in my throat and give a quick nod. While I'm already outside I start to think of a plan, the creep doesn't want me to walk alone, but maybe I'll see him. I'm a very curious person ya know. I may be sick, but my brain still works. While I'm thinking I suddenly see I'm the only one outside. That's very weird, London's always full of people. I shrugg it of and start brainstorming again. Then I feel something wet on my neck and I look up to see that it's raining again, a raindrop falls on my nose and I sneeze.
Bless you...
"Thank you" when I open my eyes I don't see anyone. What? Someone said bless you.. Is my mind going crazy? (A/n well, I am crazy, but that's beside the point ;) ) Then I feel someone tapping my shoulder and I jump out of fear. "Wow, easy, I didn't mean to scare you" It can't be... obviously it can, 'cause it's the guy who helped me. "Oh hello, didn't think I would meet you again!" I say. "Me n'either" he says and he looks at me with a stern look. "What?" I ask innocent. "Nothing... how's your head?" Switching from subject, na ah, not so smart. "Good, how are you doing?" I ask without letting know how suspicious I am. "Fine, thanks for asking" "You're welcome". I want to say something when I hear something behind me. I turn around and don't see anything and look back at the guy again. But he's gone, disappeared *poof* I think you made it clear now Sarah... Then the thunder flashes and I hear a whisper:

I told you not to go on the streets alone, you're a stubborn girl you know. I warned you, it's too late now...

Uh oh, cliffhanger. I'm a meany right now. I'll try to update soon though :)

Stay strong, stay beautiful
Xxx Sarah

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