Chapter 1

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6:30 am. Like every morning the birds next to the window wake me up and always exactly around this hour.

Today I consider myself lucky because the last two weeks I woke up at 5:30, when it was still dark outside and I could never go back to sleep.

Today is going to be a great day. The sun is already shining through the window, which makes the room very light. I don't mind waking up like this, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. I take a quick look outside and there is no cloud to be seen, just a beautiful red/blue morning sky.

Quietly, I swing my feet over the edge of the bed so I won't wake up my sisters. Abigail is curled up like a little ball. She always looks so peacefully when she is asleep.

Avery on the other hand looks like she hasn't been sleeping all night. Her hair is all over the place and her eyes are thick and puffy.

When I stand up she immediately rolls over to my side, taking advantage of the extra space she has now I am gone.

Yes, I am sleeping with my two sisters in a two person bed. My mom said it would be temporary but she has been saying that for the year.

It's not like I mind though. Abigail is 6 years old so she doesn't take a lot of space in the bed and Avery is 8 years old. I learned to sleep on the last centimetres on the bed and besides, the other option is to sleep on the floor so I prefer this.

Then we have William and Ariana who share a bed together. Ariana is 14 years old and William is my twin brother so he is also 17 years old.

The oldest one is Thomas but he is never home because he has a job in the military.

Thomas is the only one in our family who has a well payed job. Every month he sends us money so we can buy food. He is the only one keeping us alive these days. And we can't be more than thankful for that.

Alyssa shares a bed with my mom. I am not jealous a lot but at her I am. She is just 10 years old but already so beautiful. I am so jealous at her beautiful curled goldish hair and her deep blue eyes.

My mother has a job as a maid so she is only home at night, when everyone is sleeping. My dad left us a few years ago. He came back a few times to apologize but to be honest I don't want to talk to him ever again. He abandoned his family when we needed him the most so he does not deserve us.

And then you have me. A 17-year-old teenage girl, Adelyn, who hates doing chores but I am the oldest one in the house when my mom is gone so I took over my mother's job and now I am taking care of our family.

Yes my mom gave all her daughters a name with an A. Why you ask me? I seriously don't have a clue. My mom thought it would be 'fun'. So we have Abigail, Avery, Alyssa, Ariana and me, Adelyn.

We don't go to school because we don't have the money. Even if we had the money we still couldn't go to school. School is for the smarter (richer) people in the society not for the normal working people.

I open the drawer but there is nothing in it. Great, now I have to go to the city before everyone else wakes up to buy bread.

I check every other drawer in the kitchen but only to confirm they are all empty.

I write a quick note to everyone so that they won't be worried when they wake up and notice I am not in my bed and grab my jacket.

When I open the door I feel a cold sharp wind hitting me. It looked so beautiful outside when I woke up but the wind is surprisingly cold. I am happy I brought my jacket along with me.

London is so quiet at this time of the day. (Well, as quiet as it can be.) I can see the sun rising from behind the rooftops. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The sun on my face and the smell of the trees always relaxes me.

There are only a few people in the bakery when I open the door. The smell of fresh bread hits me hard and my stomach begins to growl.

I can't even remember the last time I had a proper meal but to be honest we can't complain. There are families who have it much worse than us.

"That'll be 2.30 please." The man at the counter tells me and I look at the bread. I grab the two pounds from my pocket and lay it on the counter.

"2.30? Yesterday the bread was 2 pounds, this is all I have." The man rolls his eyes and sighs. He grabs the bread from the counter and lays it back where it came from.

"Well I am sorry today the bread is 2.30 I can't sell it for 2 pounds. Then you should go home and get the other 30 pence."

"No sir you don't understand." I begin and I start to panic. "This is all I have for today, and we don't have any more food at home."

"Well I am sorry miss but the bread is 2.30." He looks behind me and asks if he can help the next customer.

I curse and step out of line. What the hell can I do now? I can't come home with nothing. Maybe another bakery has the same bread but for a different price.

"May I have one bread for the girl here?" The man behind the counter and I both look surprisingly at the boy standing in front of the line. The boy gives me a reassuring smile and pays for the bread.

"Here you go love. I think you can use this better than I can." The boy hands me the bread with the cash he got back and I look at him.

"Wait are you serious?" I look at the money and that's almost 10 pounds.

"Yes I am serious. I have plenty and I won't miss those 10 pounds. Consider it as a birthday gift." He cracks a smile and winks at me.

"It's not even my birthday." I study his face while he talks to me. When he smiles dimples appear in his cheeks and his green eyes sparkle a little bit.

"Well it's your lucky day then."

I look at the bread and the money again. I still can't believe he just bought me bread and gave me money.
With this money I can buy some extra's for my siblings and we will have enough food for at least two days.

When I look up the boy isn't standing in front of me anymore. My eyes scan the bakery quickly but he is nowhere to be seen. The man at the counter looks just a surprisingly as I do.

I buy some more bread with the extra money the mysterious boy gave to me.
The man behind the counter smiles awkwardly at me and wishes me a good day. I return it to him. When I walk out of the bakery I can't help to laugh. That man had no idea what was happening.

On my way home I stop to buy some candy for my sisters. I can't wait to see their faces when I walk in with a bag full of bread and candy. 


Hii Guys,

Soo this is my new story. I really hope you guys like it and if I made any grammar mistakes please feel free to tell me, you'll only make this story better!

Please like & comment what you think so far I love to read your comments

Byee ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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