Part 1: The Real World

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Hello! I'm back! Remember me? I promised I'd be back as soon as the new episode came out, and it did! Sadly, it kinda debunked every single theory presented in my last fanfic, leaving me with the very cliched option of making the last fic a dream. I'm sorry, it's a very cliched theme. This is a story based on my personal theory of what happens after the end. It might be right or wrong, but remember, it's MY theory. 

I do not own Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.

Time is a tool you can put on the Wall, or wear it on your ridz...

"Come on Red, stop mucking around..." said a red guy in what seemed to be a very expensive suit, the manager of a pretty office in a pretty real world, a world where everyone had the same bored eyes, the same tall fluffy body and the same red stringy hair covering their mouths and noses; where everyone was, to make it clear, a world of red guys.

"Who? Me? But I am wide awake" A red guy complained from a cubicle, this one was wearing a black dress.

"Not you, red guy, this Red Guy" red guy manager explained in a monotone voice, and he gestured towards Red Guy, who was sleeping soundly on his desk. "And he's not wearing any clothes. Again"

"How rude" a red guy in a Hawaiian shirt complained, drinking water in a corner. Red guy manager sighed, annoyed, and poked Red Guy's eye.

"Red, we're running out of ti-" he began, and Red Guy woke up, gasping and holding to his desk

"If we run out of time, then where does it go?" He whispered, staring at his manager with an almost curious look, that red guy manager didn't like at all. Curiosity led to terrible things, like creativity. Terrible, terrible things.

"Cut that nonsense. Did you file the files like I told you?"

"I was going to, but then I imagined, what if that clock," he started, and pointed towards a blue clock with a black ring and red hands "started singing about something? Like... time, for example"

"That sounds really boring" Hawaiian red guy mumbled

"Listen, you can't sleep at work, otherwise..." Manager red guy started

"I wasn't sleeping. I was dreaming" Red Guy interrupted

"Otherwise you'll be fired. Actually, there's no otherwise. You are fired. So disappear, please"

All of the other red guys, all of the dressed ones, agreed in monotone cheers. "Yeah, leave", they said, "Go away", they cheered, "You are pretty lame" they claimed. The manager almost felt sorry for the naked Red Guy looking at all his coworkers revealing their true colors.

"But you can't fire me! I don't have nowhere to go!" Red Guy complained, raising his voice, something no red guy could EVER do.

"Maybe if you stopped being so weird and curious, you'd be better at your job, you'd be less creative, and you would have a real family, not those creepy puppets you always carry, the yellow weirdo and the d-- " manager red guy began

"SHUT UP!" Red Guy shouted

Everyone went silent, with the exception of a few almost surprised whispers.

Manager red guy wasn't surprised, though. He just extended his arm towards the disturbed Red Guy, who was breathing quickly, red strands of hair flew all over his face. Finally, the angry Red Guy stood up, grabbed the black clock, and his beige coat, handinghis name tag with the "Hello, I am: Red Guy" to his manager before going away.


As expected, he had nowhere to go, so he finished his long and sorrowful journey at the bar where he used to go to. He sat on a table for two, placing the clock on the chair in front of him, and took from his pockets two hand puppets: one of a yellow kid with a goofy smile and blue hair, and one of a green duck with a brown jacket.

He stared at the puppets, and sighed. He had made them himself, after the dreams (was he dreaming?) started to happen more and more frequently, when he didn't even have to sleep to have them. A telephone booth, a sketchbook, a recipe of aspic seen from someone else's newspaper, anything would trigger these dreams. He would close his eyes, and when he opened them, he would be there: inside a felt Wonderland, where he had a family, where they had fun together, but also where there was danger ahead, where singing objects became increasingly irrational and dangerous... and it happened over and over until it... stopped.

It stopped, with a final dream, with him pulling the plug and fading the felt Wonderland to black, forever. And he hadn't had dreams, which meant he hadn't seen his family ever since, even though for him, they were more real than anything else, more real than the red guy pianist playing the piano horribly out of tune, more real than the waiter, and the red guys staring at him for his nakedness.

"If only you guys were here" he sighed, touching their hair, and their beak lovingly. He listened to the piano red guy, and stared at his new stolen clock "I even wish you were here, Tony," he told the clock, "at least you were a better musician than that."

He kept staring at the clock, hoping that it would start singing about time, like that time when he sang and almost made his ears bleed, or the time where he and the duck had a chicken picnic, even if ducks don't like chicken, but it was just a dream.

Or was it?

But what about the time he escaped and tried to talk to his friends by the phone, and duck was with him in the real world, and...? Then he had woken up, lonely and late for work again.

Red Guy's train of thought was interrupted by someone putting a glass of wine in front of him. He blinked twice before opening his mouth to explain to the waiter that he hadn't asked for a glass of wine, and that he didn't even have enough money for that, but when he looked up to see the waiter, he shut his mouth.

The yellow man in front of him was no waiter.

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