Gemini(m) x Libra (f)

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Gemini glanced around the room, looking for a specific person.

"Bro." Aries waved his hand in front of Gemini's face. "What's gotten into you? Eat your goddam lunch."

Gemini blinked and looked down on his tray, there was a blob of yellow on a paper plate, he picked it up and look at his friends, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo.

"Gotta go." He muttered just loud for them to hear, and rushed off looking for someone. Which we all know is Libra.

Gemini and Libra were friends and knew each other for years when Libra moved into his neighborhood. He got her settled in, showing her people she should not hang out with, Scorpio and Aquarius, the gangster. The nerds, Capricorn and Virgo. She should hang out with the normals, Taurus, Cancer and Pisces. And there was the outcast, Ophuichus. He hanged out with nobody.

This may not be accurate but judging from the stereotypes, this is what I think every sign is. Yes I'm a nerd, aren't we all nerds here on Wattpad?

Now Libra was nowhere to be seen, she wasn't hanging out with her friends. Gemini couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling.

Gemini went to her last class and asked the teacher. he said she already left.

Gemini went to the only place where he thought she could be, the rooftop.

The rooftop was forbidden and it's where Gemini usually go and just a couple months, he showed her his secret place. Gemini couldn't figure out why he showed her, but it's been their talking place ever since. Gemini and Libra chatted and ditched class together on the roof. She had to be in the roof.

He opened the door, which was supposed to be locked but the janitor sucks and forgets way to much to remember.

The cooler air rushed past him, making his hair blow the other direction, shit, My Hair. Wait I'm just going to look for Libra, why do I need to fix my hair?

A blonde head was resting against one if the large tubes.


The head whipped around, Libra had a surprised expression, like a deer caught in headlights, but relaxed when she saw Gemini.

"Hey." She replied softly, the corners of her eyes were red. She was crying.

"What's wrong?" Gemini asked, in the tone matching to hers.

"Nothing." She said, looking away.

"Cut the crap, what wrong? Do I need Aries to beat up anyone?"

She chuckled softly, and looked at Gemini. "Do I seem like a slut?" Tears started to form around her once-bright eyes.

"What? No! Who said that? Imma beat their ass." Gemini said, getting ready to get up.

Libra held onto his arm, pulling him down and looked directly into his green eyes. "That doesn't matter, Do I seem like it? Should I change?" She looked away, "Did I make... Am I going to be alone?" Tears where now streaming down her face.

Gemini wrapped his arms around her, Libra's head now rested on his shoulder, Gemini looked up at the blue sky.

"Libra, you shouldn't give a fuck about the others."

"B-but I d-do."

"I don't. I don't care what they think. Don't change and you won't be alone."

"H-how do y-you know?" Libra asked, looking at him, tears still streaked down her cheeks.

"Cause I won't leave you. You always got me."

They stared at each other and Libra blushed and looked away. After a awkward silence of them look away and avoiding eye contact, Libra met eye with Gemini and she wrapped her arms around his torso and their nose touched.

"You know, I wonder how Sagittarius and Capricorn is going to work." Gemini spoke up.

Libra giggled and said "You ruined the moment. I wonder too but right now..."

Their lips touched and she mumbled in their kiss, "worry about us."

I hope I did ok, I don't know that many Gemini's so I hope I caught his personality right.

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