
14 3 0

My name is Esraa I'm (14) years old I'm from (Jordan) ,but living in UAE . I was born in 18/8/2002 in Dubai. I started singing when u was 5 years old my sound was much better than now but still I sing anyways . My parents are maysoon and Khalid I love them very mich I have (6) siblings (2)brothers (Mohammed) ,(Eyad),and (4) sisters (khadra),(wasan),and (Jory).

I love people strong people I hat to see someone is very week or someone that keeps quiet about wrong thing. I hat bullying.

I'm a big fan of Taylor swift , and Selena Gomez .

I'm a big fan of Taylor swift , and Selena Gomez

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All about me !!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt