Sarcasm and Arrogance (The Cliche Series)

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Noah Hemmings is gorgeous. His raven black hair always looks slightly disheveled, as though he constantly he runs his long, slender fingers through it's soft mass. His eyes are a beautiful, clear blue, resembling the sky on a bright, sunny day; his nose slightly crooked, most likely from one of the many fights he has gotten into; his jaw well-defined, much like the rest of his muscular body; and his lips as red as a rose, as smooth as glass, and as kissable as... a hornet's nest. I hate him. Noah Hemmings is the high school's heartthrob that all the girls throw themselves at, incredibly rich, and the most handsome person I have ever seen. But, as fate would have it, he's rude, arrogant, demeaning, heartless, and annoying. His eyes are constantly cold and calculating, his nose always flaring in anger, and his mouth pulled into a smirk, sneer, or snarl.

I, Amerianna Eichers, am ugly. My muddy brown hair quite frequently resembles a rats' nest, my eyes are a freakish, golden colour, my nose covered in tiny, embarrassing zits, and my body neither curvy nor thin, but an awkward combination of both. The only thing I seem to have in common with Noah is the fact that, I too, am incredibly rich and attend the same high school. Besides that, we are complete opposites. Whereas he is the school's infamous bad boy, I am the nerd. He's arrogant, and I am sarcastic. He skips whole school days, and I refuse to even think about skipping five minutes of class. He swears like a sailor, and I can't even bring myself to say the h-word. I know what you're most likely thinking right now: Oh, the bad boy and the nerd. They're going to end up dating! Well, you're wrong. I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned how much I hate him. I'll most likely stay single, and the Noah Hemmings will always have a different girlfriend every week. Some things just never change...

... or do they?

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