I am starting to write a new story seeing as how i'm kinda having trouble with my other story nd this new story popped into my head soo i was like "yay letz do this" *rolls eyes*
I hope this new story getz more votes than my other story but I will still work on my other story when i get an idea
this story is about Isabelle nd her bro Demetrius who have lost half their family (i noe wat yur thinking if yu read my other story ..."why do i like hurting people" but i dnt, it just makes the story more interesting cuz i mean seriously ..who likes a story thatz all happiness?...)
Anywhoz i hope everyone likes it nd votes nd becomes my fan nd commentz (Daang soo much "andz")
My story is called Killed or Be Killed and as I woz saying, it is about Isabelle getting expelled from her old school coz of getting into fightz constantly nd her bro left the school as well. Isabelle nd Demetrius get accepted into an elite prep school but Isabelle is on her sort-of own journey to get revenge on her parents killerz nd her bro, Andy, tries to make sure Isabelle stayz outta trouble. Demetrius isn't having having much luck coz Isabelle is still her angry, harsh self. Let's see how she handles herself fully...
Main Characters so far:
Isabelle Marie Adams
Demetrius Carter Adams
Thatz about it nd I hope you enjoy itt!!!
Jamievamp xox