How To Save a Life

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Author's Note: Song is How To Save a Life by The Fray. Pairing is Nanomax. 

     Ever since the war Kim could tell the Hats saw her as a different person. Even though it had taken place in a game, the things she said off camera were very questionable. Everything was okay until one day she snapped at Ross. "Listen, I'm tired of your shit! Just fuck off and leave me alone you piece of shit!" Ross just looks at her a bot shocked then nods and walks away. She instantly regretted what she had said.

     Later that day, she noticed he was alone in his office and decided to apologize. "You know, so many things have happened between us lately and I'm sorry for getting angry at you earlier. I realize I've lost a friend in all this bitterness." Kim says, starting to tear up," I-I'm sorry." 

     "I'm sorry too. For the past... and for what is to come." Ross says nearly crying himself.

     "What do you mean 'for what is to come'?" She asks, worriedly. Ross quickly gets up and runs off before she could finish.

     Kim was so worried. Ross wouldn't answer her texts or calls. She gets to the offices quicker than normal and then wishes she hadn't. Smith and Trott were sobbing and many other members were sniffling. "What happened?" She asked, already knowing the answer. 

     "Ross got into a car crash this morning. He didn't make it." Hannah tells her, knowing about Kim's secret love for Ross.

     Kim doesn't remember all that happens next except that she was in he bedroom crying and remembering a line in a song she recently heard. She holds a knife and feels her life slip away.

   I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life.

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