Chapter 1:
Ally's P.O.V.
"Wake up darling"-I wake up to find my mother staring at me."I didn't do it"!-I yell backing away."What didn't you do"?-she asked smiling,she was in an awfully good mood."Nothing mum it was just a dream"."So what's up"?-I asked curious."Ally, I need you to get ready because your brother wants us to meet him at Starbucks".Ok?
"Okay"!-I reply heading to the bathroom. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Allyah Jenkins."A.J.,Ally"(whichever nickname you prefer)
I live in London, England in a town called" Welling",weird name I know,but it's massive. Yes, I'm British, I'm 18 and I live here with my mother who is a lawyer & my brother who is 2 years older than me and lives nearby.
I have hazel eyes, dark brown wavy hair with soft chocolate curls at the bottom,a smile always on my face,I'm very friendly,but shy at first.
I love parties and am very popular in my school Woodrige High with my best friend Chanel Watson.
We're in our senior year,were only missing May and then there's prom and graduation.I love singing,it's my passion and have big dreams of being a singer one day.
Currently I'm single, due to the boys which in my school that drive me crazy,because they find me attractive.
I mean they all want me to date them,it's so frustrating,but right now I'm focusing on my school and Oxford college which I'm applying to soon.
I open the door to the fancy bathroom and the smell of lavender & vanilla quickly fills my nostrils. I remove my nightgown and stare at myself in the mirror. I wonder what my brother has to tell us. I shake the thoughts out of my head and hop in the shower.
I turned on the water and it was just perfectly hot. Nothing is better than a relaxing hot shower on a Saturday morning. I thought to myself. I loved the way the hot water massaged my back; It was just peaceful.
10 minutes later
I turned off the water &got out of my shower,I headed towards my walk-in closet to search for my outfit for the day. After a couple of minutes of the typical girl battle,as my brother calls it, I decided on my outfit.
I decided on a London flag flowy top,high-waisted shorts,my infinity necklace,my bangle bracelets & my red Vans. I let my hair loose,fascinated by the way it looked. My wavy hair with chocolate golden brown curls was just Tumblr like.
I did my make up simple,since I was just meeting Jonathan. I apply powder, green liner, to compliment my hazel eyes, Maybelline's Color Whisper, the red one<3, & a bit of mascara. I spray One Direction's Our Moment perfume on my neck and wrists & take one last look in the mirror. Pleased, I turn off the AC and head out of my room.
"Ally are you finished love"?- mum asked from the dining room."I'm here"-I said walking down the staircase like in the movies."You look perfect"!"Come along now".-she said locking the door behind us. We got into the white Lexus and made our way to Starbucks.
Jonathan's P.O.V.
I sat there in my favorite table at Starbucks looking out the window. I was looking for them. When all of a sudden my phone rings."Like if we had telepathy"-I say before answering the call.
Phone Convo:
Mum 0.0
"Jonathan,we just left the house,we'll be there shortly ok?" "now make sure you get our table darling"-she said.
"Already did mum, bye, see you soon".-And with that I hung up the phone. I looked at my IPhone,my eyes never leaving the time.11:00 am.They're late.The screen flickered and a picture of the most beautiful girl in the planet, appeared on the screen. My girlfriend. Incoming Face Time:Gemma<3,I rapidly choose the accept button.

And Then I Met You(Harry Styles Fan Fic)
FanfictionAllyah Jenkins is an ordinary 18 year old girl living in London,England with her family. One day she meets up with her older brother,and he gives news that he wants to propose to his girlfriend for 4 years! What happens when it's time to meet the...