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He readjusted his grip on the briefcase. He didn't want to waste anymore time than he already did and took long strides towards the exit of his hotel.

The doorman dropped the conversation he was in to attend the door.

"Mr. Styles over here," he snapped his head down the block and found his driver.

On the way to his office he fiddled with his dress pants. His newly ironed dress pants which were accompanied by his newly polished black shoes. He liked it when things in his life were a certain way. A certain order. He liked everything to be the same all the time, everyday. He liked routines.

At home he was content, but at work he was apprehensive. If something or someone was out of place, he would go straight to his boss and suggest something be done about it.

He looked down at his watch and saw that he has about six minutes to card in. When the car pulled up, he quickly climbed out and jogged up the steps.

When he got to the reception desk, he didn't see the old, white haired woman that was always there for him at 7:05. Instead, the chair was empty. The nameplate that had once said Sandra Mind was replaced with Amelia Wise.

He looked back at the time and then around him. He had only four minutes to card in and there was no sign of the receptionist. Why would they hire someone new the one day he was late? If only he had took two less seconds off of brushing his teeth or maybe he should've polished his shoes the night before. Oh wait, he always polished his shoes in the morning.

He started pacing around the front of the desk, he even considering just going to Mr. Hobbs himself to tell him he was at work so he could go along with his day.

He was pacing when the top of his left shoe felt slightly more heavy. He looked down quickly and gasped with disgust when he saw that on the top of the rim of his new black leather shoes, that he wasted minutes polishing this morning, there was a smudge. He slowly looked up to the person who for 1: was late for their job, 2: had ran into him, marking a smudge on his left shoe, and 3: has not been in routine with things.

He shrugged off their presence and took one of the tissues off the desk and tried to fix the mess that had been made. He grew furious when it wasn't getting better, he started tugging on his hair.

He got interrupted by the clicking of a pen. He forgot the person was even there, he focused his eyes on them. Her.

She was leaning against the desk, watching him with amusement. In her left hand was a red pen and in her right was a strip of gum which she was about to pop into her mouth.

He didn't try to start a conversation with her, only staring at her. She had long brown hair with a lot of split ends, which was pulled up in a high ponytail. Her white teeth have an overbite and he couldn't stop noticing that her eyebrows weren't identical.

He snapped out of his daze when he saw her hand, which was accessorized by bitten nails, was outstretched towards him.

"Hey, I'm Amelia Wise, the new receptionist," she said. She noticed that he wasn't going to complete her action so she lowered her hand. She placed the pen down and crossed her arms.

After a few more seconds of silence she spoke to him again.

"I would like it if you spoke back to me when I'm talking to you," she continued. She leaned her arm onto the desk and rested her chin on top. She peered up to him through her eyelashes.

Instead of saying anything, he quickly dug through his briefcase and took out his ID. Even if she checked him in on time he would be two minutes behind schedule. He was even considering running up the five flights of stairs.

She took the card and swiped it into the machine on her desk. A minute later she gave it back to him.

"Just so you know, your shoe looks fine. Don't keep stressing about it," she advised him.

He quickly took his card and tucked it away in his pocket. With a tight grip on his briefcase, he ran to the stairs and pushed the door open. He started to jump the stairs two at a time. When he got to the top, he checked his watch and saw that he made it.

He patted himself on the back and pushed open the door to continue the unexpected day and what it has to reveal.

That was the first chapter of "controlled."!! Please comment your opinions and I'll try to update as soon as possible.


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