Chapter 13

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When I woke up I was so comfortable. The smell of the twins surrounded. And these sheets are sooo soft.


Sheets. Twins. Smell....hold on. Janice. twins. Colored shorts. Twins.

Ahh fuck

I open my eyes slowly to see it's dimly lit in the room. I slowly sit up while rubbing my eyes. When I pull my hands down I'm surprised when I see the twins standing there looking literally exactly the same. Same clothes and hair. If I didn't know how to tell them apart this would slightly be creepy.

We stare at eachother for a little longer. Me against them. I see Nick about to open his mouth but i don't care what they have to say.

Before he can say anything I start moving from the middle of the bed to the edge.

"I'm going home" I tell them.

I don't make eye contact as I walk towards the door.

"We didn't do anything with her babydoll. Not while we knew about you at least. We wouldn't do that. Please believe us." Nick says.

"I'm not gonna fall for that. I don't even care...yea. I don't care cause I'm not dating you guys neither one of you. And now that I think about it, it's really weird to date you both. So go around and have sex with whoever you want cause I don't care." I continue my way to the door until I hear Anthony speak up.

"You should already know that what we have is way beyond some childish crazy label. And you can walk out of that door but just know it won't change anything. Your our number one priority. You come first before anyone and everyone. We die for you. We protect you. We live for only your safety now. So if you really don't want us in your life then....reject us. right now." His vice starts cracking as he continues to speak. Nick speaks right after.

"Say your full name and then say you reject both of us as mates. We will stay away and wither away in this room. But just know that if you don't we will never leave you alone. And if you run from us we will find you baby doll."

In an instant they were infront of me and the sight of them made tears well up in my eyes.

Nick grabs my hand closest to him, on the right of me

"Babydoll. listen, We didn't do anything with her after we had knowledge of you. we've been waiting so long for you to come into our lives. We never thought that, that day would be the day we found you. But when we did we couldn't have been happier." He tells me with a slight smile

I feel tears fall as I pull away from him.

I don't know if I want this. They literally kidnapped me. I know nothing of these two other than the transform into giant dogs.

" I-i avangeline..." I hear the twins gasp as i try to do it but I choke back a sob. look down and shake my head.

"This is just moving fast, I just I-I need time." I tell them I as I move in between them to grab my shoes and out the door.

With each step I take I can't help but dispise myself for almost rejecting them.

Every bone in my body aches as I make my way to the front door my heart screaming at me to run back and apologize. While my body begs for attention from my twins. But I Ignore all of the signs and focus on the thought of the twins being with another. Right as I'm about to leave through the door I hear someone yell at me to wait.

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