The Stop

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The full moon raised high in the air , dark gloomy clouds surround it.
The train travels alone, nothing around them but a forest.
Ryan body sits against the door, as he sighs.
"Can't fucking believe this... I'm not suppose to be here", he said with his heavy British accent.
He turns around and pulls keys from out his pocket.
He inserts them  into a hole next to the door, as it slides open.
To reveal only 6 passengers sitting in the passenger bunk.
"Hello everyone... I'm your attendant Ryan this lovely night... Now I'm gonna be coming around checking tickets so please have them out and ready", he explains.
He comes to a girl.
She had long blonde hair, and blue eyes.
She wore a jacket, and a blue beanie.
Her jeans were white and she had on a pair of black uggs.
"Hey.. Ticket please", he ask?
"Hi", she said as she hands him her ticket.
Ryan checks it as he says,"What's your name"?
She smirks and said,"Alice..Alice cockrell".
"Where you heading", he says?
"Wood borrow", she said.
"Hey I live close to there.. How about one day we get some drinks .. Link up", he ask?
"I would love that", she said.
Ryan walks away smiling saying," alright".
Then he comes to a pair of sisters.
They were named Angelina and Daniella.
"Tickets",ask Ryan?
They both giggled and said,"Here".
"Thanks", he said as he walks off.
He heads towards a guy reading a book.
He had glasses , and wore a bright yellow flannel.
"Ticket sir", said Ryan.
The guy drops his book as his ticket falls.
Ryan picks it up and read the name off the ticket," here you go... Cole".
He replies back ,"thanks".
Ryan continues to walk as he see's the girl he saw from the office, helping a boy and a girl.
"She's here too", he mutters.
A smile stretched across his face.
He heads towards the boy and girl and says,"Hey guys... Tickets please".
"Yes.. Here you go", says the girl.
He reads the ticket and said ,"Isaiah and Cayson".
"Yes", laughs Cayson. Just then he see's the lady from the office exit the passenger section... Into the staff section".
He follows her into the room, as the door slides together , closing.
"If I didn't say so.. I thought you were stalking me",laughs the lady.
"Well with a woman so Beautiful I don't see why I wouldn't", he laughs.

"I'm Dela.. And you", she said?
"Oh I'm Ryan", he replies.
Dela grabs snacks off the shelf and lays them on a moving desk.
She grabs the side of it and said," well pardon me, as I go ask our passengers.. What they would like".
Ryan smiles at her as dela ask him,"To open the door".
He sticks the key into the hole as the door slides open.
"Thanks", she smiles.
Ryan takes a seat on a bench and closes his eyes, as he drifts off asleep.
Isaiah and Cayson sit side to side as they talk.
"Yes... Everything was horrible... Specially his wonker". She laughs.
Isaiah replied,"I didn't know y'all.. You know fucked"?
Down the bench sat the two sister , and one of them smoked.
Dela walks pass and said,"Sorry but your gonna to have to put that out".
They ignore her.
"Pardon me", she says with a smile as she takes the cigar from her hands and throws it on the ground stepping on it.
"What the fuck", snaps Angelina.
"No smoking on this train", she said as she walks off.
"What a bitch.. Huh", snaps Daniella!

The train Continues down the lonely path , heading to its destination.

Just then there was a sharp stop, and a loud screech.
The train jolts back, as sparks fly from the tires and into the air.
All the commotion wakes up Ryan.
He jumps up looking around breathing heavily. The train was silent.
Ryan gets up slowly and looks around.
He can hear the sound of fired wires, burning.
"Great... We're stuck", he moans.
Then there was a bang at the door .
Ryan jumps back , as his hand grips his keys.
He slowly places the key into the hole, and turns it.
The door slides open as he walks into the room.
Dela cart laid on the floor, the food scattered everywhere, as she picks it up.
"You need some help", he ask?
She looks at him then says,"no... But you need to go help those passengers... There crazy".
Cayson runs up towards Ryan yelling,"Are we stuck"?
Isaiah adds on,"We can't be".
"What happened", ask Cole?
"Are we at wood borrow", ask Alice ?
"Listen I have somewhere to be ", snaps Angelina.
"Yeah", adds Daniella.
Dela rolls her eyes as Ryan looks at her.
"Answer us", screams Daniella!
"I don't know", he said.
"To hell with that.. You don't know", said Cayson.
"You Should go ask the driver", said Dela?
Ryan nods his head.
"I will handle them", she said.
Ryan leaves the passenger section , as he hears someone say,"You should get a real job"!
All along the edges of the train were Windows .
Ryan see's a shadow pass the window , he stops  and peers threw the window .
All he can see is the dark woods and the full moon.
He heads to the driver section , to see the driver missing. He looks at the dashboard and see's the gas tank is full.
"Where on full.. So what the bloody hell is going on", he said.
"You found out the problem ", ask Dela ?
Ryan turns towards her and said,"The driver is gone".
Dela walks towards the steering wheel, and looks out the huge windshield mirror.
"This doesn't sound good, were all alone and the driver is missing", she explains.
"I think you should go back with the passenger", he said.
"You sure you got this", she questions?
"Yeah", he said as she walks off.
Ryan's grabs a flashlight off a shelf , and opens the door that stood to his side.
He peers through the dark woods, just as he see's something move .
"Captain", he yells.
His voice echoes.
He shines the light down the long railroad , it was empty . He leans back in the train and closes the door behind him.

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