Hi everyone, thank u for reading I'm here today to talk about something that needs to stop. The tragedy that happen recently, happen in my old home Florida which is why I've been inspired to write this. That was terrible first it was the shooting then a bomb threat. So many lives were lost that day and I just want to say that my heart goes out to all the family's and everyone else that was affected by it and to all the others that read this...
We can keep stuff like this from happening, we can I know ur thinking, no I can't, I can't help, u can.
It finally makes sense to me now. Our generation is free I know u don't think we are but, we are we are free to do what's right. We have been given the torch, and I know u don't fully understand this so let me make it clear.
We, our generation are not evil. all the bad guys that we hear about and have nightmares about they are not imortal. They will die and be forgotten like they diserve. We are not those bad guys, we can grow up and all become heros. It's insanely simple, It doesn't cost money to just do the right thing like, help someone carry something heavy doing something as simple as that would spark the good in others, join a club help old people, build houses for the poor. Are u getting it now? All the bad guys will one day die none of us live forever so don't let the fear of they're temporary existence influence u to do something wrong, take they're mistakes and and learn from them.
Please take what I've told u and think about it. our generation is the hope that we look for I'm not saying that u have to stop doing things that u love and become a scentist if u want to grow up to be a movie star or singer go for it. spred hope and love and peace.
This terrifying world that makes us want to not leave our houses will not last as foever as long as we don't want it to hating each other for doing terrible things will not help, sending love is making a change.
We are free to love and do right it will take time and effort but if we keep on trying love will win. We are the super heros that always win and do good. If u doubt that I are good, that just means u are good and are capable of good, and of love.
Agian, my heart goes to the victims of that particular tragedy and all the tragedies that people are being forced to face all the time. My hope and my love goes out to all of u.
Let the ones u love know u love them hold them close and show the world ur love u do not have to swim in the sea of depression. U don't have to.
Try as hard as u possibly can to see good in the world. People that donate or just give hope are a part of that good.
We can do it. So do itPass on the positive flame.
Absolutely with love,
Glubwave💖And remember there is strength in numbers and progress in small actuons
We Are The Hope
Non-FictionRead this and do whatever u possibly can to share this to as many as u can. I beg u