Chapter Seven*

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****Another Time Skip To Later In The Week From Chapter Six****

Ryuu's POV~ 

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I have an important meeting today, so I had to dress 'formally', which to me consisted of black pants with symmetrical zippers on each thigh, a white button up with black buttons, a black blazer, black and white converse, I'd taken off my usual flashy earrings and replaced them with simple crystal ones, and put on a bracelet that connected to three skull rings, and to top it off I took off my contacts and put on my thick framed glasses. I fingered combed my hair, satisfied with my reflection, and stepped out of my room and made my way down the hall towards the front door. I have a large house (many call it a mansion) even though I despise wasting money. But I bought it with good interest, it was large enough to hold over ten guest rooms with private bathrooms each, the normal house necessities (kitchen, bathrooms, etc), three living rooms, a lab/office to work in, and many more things I won't bother to name. So all in all, I bought it for a good price, and I've always liked to have my space...

I enter the limo, Rena trailing behind me...

**********Time Skipu***********

I was already five minutes late, but I considered it 'fashionably' late.

 I made my way through the halls of the elaborate building which our meeting was being held in. Rena walked behind me, scribbling in the notebook about who knows what, she kind of reminded me if Kyoya in that regard. 

Speaking of Kyoya...

I enter the room, where people sat around in an oval like table (like Kind Arthur's round table but more ovalish), the room got deadly quiet as I entered and sat down at the end of the table, Rena standing beside me. 

"Iijima-sama, your late." said a familiar voice, Yoshii Ootori. He, as you may possibly figure out is Kyoya's father. Now, Kyoya isn't here, but his elder brother is, Yuuichi Ootori was. They looked like older versions of Kyoya, however, they had an aura of something... what was it? Arrogance?.. No, isn't is it...

"I apologize Ootori-san. I had important matters I had to attend before this." I retaliated after a silent stare down. It was a complete and obvious lie, but what does he know? He didn't seem to buy it, but I didn't care. 

"You know Iijima-san, I imagined you much older." Commented an older male that sat diagonally from me. He looked to be in his late thirties, I think his name was Akihiro Hakiro (A/N: made that up, sorry it's terrible). I flashed him a bored smirk. 

"Everyone says that" I answered back. Honestly, did everyone I meet have to say that? 

"Now to business, we are here to discuss the 'relationship' between our two companies." He said, emphasizing the word relationship. Everyone knows that I absolutely refuse marriage proposals for such things, one) even though I'm bi I prefer males, two) I won't stand a life with someone who I might not even like, three) I'm sure getting married to some rich person will make me spend unnecessary money, and four) personal reasons.

"Of course Ootori- san..."

** Time Skip Due To Lack Of Inspiration **

~A Few Hours Later~

After that intense meeting with the Ootori family, we came to terms that we will trade with them blah blah blah (A/N: Sorry idk).

I was sitting on the couches of one of the three living rooms, watching an American movie when suddenly a deep familiar voice spoke from my right.

"Hello Ryuu" 

I swirled around, startled. And there in all his glory was, Akio. I turned my attention back to the television without giving him a seconds glance. 

"Akio" I replied back. I felt his presence come closer to mine until his shadow loomed over me. I didn't bother to look up, instead just focusing on the screen I wasn't paying attention to. "What are you doing here?" 

"I came to see you of course" he replied. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. 

"I mean in Japan." I deadpanned, my voice bland in the emotions that are begging to be released. 

"Well you see, I just finished university, but I have too much time on my hands so I applied to a school here in Japan." He said, coming even closer to me. I finally looked up at him, he was closer than I expected him to be. Our noses were a few centimeters away from touching, his breath mingled with mine, and before I knew it his lips were connected with mine. 

After my initial shock, my lips moved with his. I couldn't help it, I'd missed him. When he suddenly moved away to England in my time of need, I was furious. I couldn't stand to even speak to him over the phone. But once his warm tongue starting asking for entrance, the host club clouded my mind. I felt a wave if guilt flood me, confusing me. I came to my senses after a while and shoved him away, panting lightly. I look up at him, his eyes shrouded in lust as he stared hungrily at me. 

"You can't do this Akio." I mutter. He made a growl like noise that made me shiver slightly. Almost. I looked away, unable to look at him any longer when I felt a warm breath on my ear.

"I'm just taking what is mine" he whispered huskily. I froze momentarily at his words before gaining composure. 

"Stop this, we both know it's over"
"It's not over yet, babe. Guess where I'm transferring into?" He kissed down my neck as I stayed perfectly still, and I was sure it'll leave a mark. "Ouran Academy" he whispered into my ear, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine and towards my... Well, you know what. I froze at his words, he just chuckled and kissed the corner of my lips before walking away. 

My eyes stared at his back, even turned around he looked the same as he did before he left. His 6'2'' height and strong yet lean body frame still as imposing as before, his blonde hair was longer however than a year ago, his light blue eyes still the same as always. He's half Japanese and half British. I turned my attention back to the playing movie, but I wasn't paying attention to it, my mind kept drifting off towards Akio and the host club. I knew the staff knew Akio from before and had let him in, so I wasn't worried about him possibly breaking in or something, however, what I was worried about was about what he said about enrolling into Ouran Academy. 

How will the host club react towards my former....


A/N: Thank You for reading! How was is it? Was it too much? Too little? Did you like the new plot twist? Possible love rival for the host club? Or a beginning of a yandere? I feel like I'm not adding enough of the host club so next chapter will be all host club, possible fluff, and more. If there are any mistakes please comment and I will gladly fix them.

Thank You For Your Support,


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