Summer Love!?

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(Lenix's P.O.V)

"Finally I arrived" I said out loud to myself in excitement. As I walk into the cabin I could see that Jenny my best friend, has already arrived and unpacked her things " I'm happy you came" I heard Jenny say from behind me "I thought you wouldn't come because I got you a job at the carnival down the street ,"well a job is a job" I said happily in a laughter. The next day, I actually like working here even though I'm passing out cotton candy in the hot summer sun, "Lenix" I heard my boss say "your off work now so go enjoy yourself," as I started walking around the carnival I saw Jenny waving at me and yelling to get over there. As I got there I noticed a guy about 17 which is my age. Then I began to look at his clothes like that he had black skinny jeans, a black vneck shirt, gray shoes, lip piercings, blue eyes, and brown hair...why does he look so familiar? "Lenix this is my boyfriend Oliver" as we both shook hands with a grin I remembered him, he used to go to my school, we never talked to each other but of course I do have a bad case of antisocializm. Yet I do remember seeing him smile at me once, then he moved before I even got to build up the little courage I have to talk to him. As we pulled away "I remember you" I heard him say with a gentle tone and a smile in his eyes," ya I remember you to" I replied trying to hide my face into my soft black hoodie so that he doesn't see me starting to blush. " So what are you guys doing" I said , "oh well we didn't plan anything for today but I was thinking tomorrow Jenny and I could check out an abandoned building" Oliver said in excitement, "that sounds awesome" I said, "it sounds dirty and boring!" Jenny said. As Oliver went quiet "NO it sounds fun and exciting" I said trying to defend Oliver, "well how about you come with me then Lenix" Oliver said happily, "ya" I said with a big smile, "oh well I'll come" Jenny said like she hates the idea of Oliver's fun. Next day, as I woke up and opened my eyes to a beaming light that hit's my face, I looked over to see that Jenny has already left. I got up did my hair like always, put my skinny jeans on, bracelets to cover my scars, did my make-up, put my favorite Black Veil Brides shirt on, of course shoes, and then went to the bath-house to brush my teeth. When I got done I put my ear buds in and started to listen to Crown the Empire while walking to the abandoned building. When I got there I was shocked to see Oliver with a small grin and Jenny looking annoyed waiting for me...but why? "Hey I thought you guys would be inside already" I said confusingly, a second after I said that Jenny walked off and headed inside the building, so me and Oliver looked at each other for brief second then went into the building. A couple of minutes after we went into the building and looked around, "do you hear that" Jenny said seriously, "I'm going to check out the second floor" I said brushing off what Jenny said. As I look around what is that noise it's like a crackle or a burning fire...hmm it's probably nothing, so I continued to look. When I arrived to the 3d floor I heard Jenny and Oliver both call my name but I couldn't hear exactly, so I started to go down the stairs but then I stopped dead in my tracks, the building was on fire. Even though most people in this situation would freak out, wouldn't know what to do, and be afraid...that wasn't me I know what to do, and how to handle things, but most importantly I'm not afraid... especially not of dieing. I went down the stairs carefully so that they didn't collapse, as I made my way down the stairs, I felt dizzy like I was on a merry-go-round then I could feel the heavy black smoke filling my lungs, I fell I tried to get up but I couldn't I just felt so weak and helpless like a little girl.

(Oliver's P.O.V)

Me and Jenny waited outside nervously for Lenix to come outside safe. "Were is she" I said "she should have been out here already," "she's probably fine and just trying to make us worry" said Jenny in a snappy tone, then she grabbed hold of my arm and held on to it. A second or two later "that's it I'm going in to save her" I said like a hero in a comic book, then she grabbed my arm tight "don't" I heard her say in a whisper. I moved my arm from her grip and started to run for the building, and even though I knew she couldn't hear me I said that I needed her back safe! As I got inside my vision became blurry with smoke, but I don't care I need to look and get her safe even if that means I die. I kept-ed searching and searching then "help" I heard faintly, as I followed the faint voice I saw her, Lenix was on the floor she looked so fragile "can you move" I said quickly, "no I can't" she said, "ok I'll have to pick you up and carry you" I said. As I picked her up like a baby she looked at me with such worried eyes, and then we got out of there safely.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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