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You held a black business card in your hand. There was no name. No address. Nothing but a phone number. You looked up at the strange man sitting across from you. Something about him didn't seem right. He looked like a pedophile and even more ominous was him giving you this strange "business" card.
"Look buddy, I don't know what it is that you're trying to offer me but I'm not interested", you said as you placed the card on the table and slid it back towards him. "If you're looking for 'company' you might wanna talk to those girls over at the bar."
The man grinned eerily, "Miss (L/N)... I'm not looking for a call-girl. I'm looking for individuals in your current situation. Individuals who are looking for a second chance at life." You froze. Your heart was racing. How did he know about your condition? You narrowed your eyes. "How did you..." The man interrupted you, "That's not important. What IS important is that I'm offering a very special deal... My employer knows all about your 'situation'. And we have a way to help you. We know how to cure you."
You couldn't believe it. He had a way to cure your cancer. You knew it sounded too good to be true. Every bone in your ailing body was telling you that something was wrong. There had to be a catch. But you didn't care. You wanted to be rid of this horrible disease. You wanted your life to go back to normal. "What's the catch?" You asked as u leaned towards him.
"I promise you there's no 'catch'. We just want to help. But please keep in mind, this treatment is fairly new so it's technically still in the experimental phase. But we have had amazing results with our other patients."
You think it over. On one hand, you have no idea who this creep is and you could be subjecting yourself to fall into a human trafficking ring. But on the other hand, if this guy can really get you the help you so desperately looked for... "I pray for your sake that this isn't some kind of scam" you said menacingly to this Agent-of-Death looking motherfucker. He smiled, "Excellent! I'll arrange to have a car pick you up tomorrow morning at 9."

You were in a strange facility. It was dark and dingy. No windows. Hardly any light and screams of pain and agony echoed through the walls. "I'm going to kill that Agent Smith asshat when I get out of here" you said to yourself as you squirmed on the stretcher you were strapped on to. A man approached you. "Hello (F/N). My name is Ajax..." "Wait like the cleaning product?", you interrupted with a chuckle. Suddenly a man's laugh echoed through the building. "That's what I said!!", the voice still giggling. Ajax looked pissed. But he tried to ignore the laughter as he looked at you. "Now I'm not going sugar coat this." He said in a British accent, "I'm going to inject you with a special serum that is meant to activate any mutant genes lurking inside your DNA. But in order for those genes to activate... We're going to have to hurt you." Your eyes widened. You should have known that it was too good to be true. But it was too late. "So...", Ajax continued "once we get some results, you will be sold as a mutant slave to the highest bidder. They will do with you as they please. And just a heads up, you may experience some side effects. They vary from person to person so we can't say how things will be for you."
You felt something surge through your veins as Ajax injected the serum into your arm. You wanted to cry. Your head was rushing, your heart was racing. You started to sweat and your chest felt heavy.  Ajax walked away and left you with your thoughts.

Days later, after many "tests", you felt completely broken. You had been silent most of the time. Only speaking or making noise during your tests with words like "FUCK!" and "SHIT" spilling from your mouth to express your pain.
Ajax returned and inspected you. For the most part, everything seemed normal. Your eyes were dilating normally and your blood pressure was at stable levels. But you felt something was different. You looked away from Ajax and stared at the tray with surgical tools. You wished you could just reach out and grab one of them. Then shove it through Ajax's eye or up his nose. But you were too weak to move. All the torture that you were put through had finally taken a toll on your body. You were covered in scars and bruises and each felt more painful than the next. But suddenly, your pain slowly began to disappear. You were confused. What was happening to you? Ajax had looked away from you and when he turned back, your bruises and scars had completely disappeared!
"Interesting" said Ajax. He picked up a scalpel and plunged it into your shoulder. You screamed in pain and called him every foul name possible. "YOU CUNT! YOU COCKSUCKING ASSHAT SHIT-FACE SON OF A WHORE!!!" He pulled the scalpel out and watched as your injury healed itself.
You looked at Ajax with such a hateful stare. If looks could kill, he would definitely be dead. But Ajax had one final test. Before you could even blink, he pulled a gun from his pocket and fired a shot into your forehead. You felt a sharp pain and then your body went numb. Your vision went dark and you laid there motionless. Suddenly, awoke. Almost like you were waking up from a bad dream. You panted heavily, trying to catch your breathe again. Ajax chuckled. "Well congratulations (F/N). We've cleared your cancer.... And.... It looks like you've become immortal."
Tears streamed from your eyes. "Oh now don't cry." Ajax's voice sounding like a haunting whisper "Now you get to leave this place."
But you knew that it wasn't going to be good. Ajax grabbed a metal collar and placed it around your neck. You squirmed and it delivered an electric shock. You knew you were screwed. You were taken to another room, given some clothes and moved to another room filled with other people. Some of them had strange disfigurements ranging from horrible burns to strong horns protruding from their skin. Shortly after, you were placed in a pod and shut in. After which you were taken to a secret location. There you were sold to a rich man from some foreign country where he used you as a servant, and even a human shield. Several times you had to take bullets for him. After all, you couldn't escape. The shock collar prevented you from even thinking about it.
But after a couple of years, you finally decided that you were done. You had spent months thinking about your plan and suffering horrible shocks from the collar because of it. When your "master" summoned you to his office, you felt nauseas. "Sir ", you said as you entered the office. "Come here, slave." That is what he always called you. And occasionally he would call you 'thing' or even 'pet'. You approached him slowly and stood 5 feet away from him.  "Why so distant, pet? Come here." You moved another 6 inches closer. "So formal. Come. Stand right in front of me." You did as you were told. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "You have been good to me. You have always done as I asked... And I know you will continue to follow my orders because of this little trinket." He poked at the shock collar. " Slowly, he moved his hand from your shoulder to your waist. "Pet, I am a very lonely man. My business has made it impossible to meet the right woman. All these whores trying to pretend that are drug Queen pens. It's disgusting. And even though I have my escorts... Well, I have had them all. And I grow tired of them. But you... I haven't had you." Your skin crawled. "Now my pet, you will have sex with me. And you cannot disobey." What did he mean you cannot disobey? So you get electrocuted. You'd rather that than be forced to sleep with him. "An interesting feature of your collar... I can press a button and it will blow your head off your shoulders."
You were scared. How were you going to get out of this now? He grabbed your waist and turned you so you were pressed against his desk. He started to press himself against you and you tried to push him away. He managed to kiss you and pulled your body against his. You felt disgusted. He clawed at your clothes and you began to throw punches and scratch at his hands. You moved your hand to his belt. He thought maybe you were giving in. You decided to play along and remove his belt. While he was distracted, you managed to wrap the belt around his neck. You choked him to death. His body dropped to the floor. You searched his drawers, searched everywhere to find the key for your shock collar. You finally found it and freed yourself. You opened his safe and took whatever money you could. And with that, you headed out to town to find an airport. No guards to stop you, no one to question you. Why? Because you were his only measure of security. An with that, you disappeared.

So this is the end of the prologue. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be coming up to the actual story in the next part. Please leave comments if you like the story so far or if you have any suggestions. :)

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