Well what was I supposed to do? I’m a scientist for Crist sake not a test tube drone! The research centre would never have given me approval for this type of experiment. The mice were smarter and they lived damn it. After all the hard work I couldn’t give up, my wife wouldn’t have forgiven me. Now look at me? In a cage! This wasn’t in the plan… were we stupid? Arrogant? Reckless? I can’t say anymore.
When some-one dies for a cause you can’t just forget. Our daughter is perfect in every way, how we engineered her to be. Maybe a little too much brain power but that was the idea. Her heads not even that disproportioned! She’s fine for heaven’s sake! She’s a sweet girl and I’d hate for her to not have a father; after all we’ve been through we couldn’t be apart. Her gifts are something the world should cherish. Making a quantum computer by age thirteen, fourteen she bent time to an extent that travelling through it became possible. It’s the revolution that no one will know about.
Travelling through time gave me purpose, I knew exactly what to do, as though my fate and everyone else’s had a place, never before have I felt such a thing. Because of Gabriel I belief in an afterlife and angels above; they guide us in these journeys through time and space.
She later warped space as well and hacked into NASA’s database found the closest habitable planet and before you know it were opening wormholes on the other side of the galaxy. The only precaution we used was a small camera attached to a remote control gravity device, we sent it through the hole tested the atmosphere and away we went a hop skip and a jump through to another planet. This was after she worked out exactly where the planet was, do you know the sort of math goes into something like that.
My wife didn’t die in vain our child is an extraordinary gift; she’s turned out to be a highly evolved being… It’s not our fault we wanted to know the possibilities know in our lifetime… the way technology was progressing we would be both dead and gone before anyone knew anything about wormholes and space/time travel. Although travelling has shown me they do find these things eventually it’s not for hundreds of years from now, it’s just an awful shame that my wife isn’t here to share these experiences; I’m know she’s up there happy she made her family unique.
What do the police have on me? What we created is beyond there comprehension, even if they did find the quantum computer and all our gadgets they wouldn’t know how to turn them on let alone know what it can do.
The bastards didn’t let me in my own house… I barely got to the front door before I was thrown against a wall and cuffed. I know they will get nothing out of Gabriel she’s too smart to feel the intimidation and fear they need for a confession.
A police officer walks into the room and eyes me down “Ok what the hell is going on here, what freak show is your friend from?”
“Well she’s my daughter” I answer slightly insulted.
“Where’s her ID then?”
“She’s only sixteen there’s no need”
“Sixteen… Doc my daughters fifteen and she’s got plenty of ID, library cards, credit cards you name it!”
“We live very humbly there’s no need for life’s extras”
The officer starts looking stressed his face slightly red “There’s something going on here Doc and I’m gunner find out what it is… you must have pissed off some pretty important people”
“Like who?”
“Your daughter ain’t right what’s wrong with her head?” The officer says changing the subject.
“Nothing, your heads a little big too, big deal”
“Doc how the hell does she know my wife’s name”
“She’s spiritual; they have whole TV channels dedicated to this sort of stuff”
“It’s bullshit Doc! We’re not stupid; we know you work at the Genome centre”
“So what”
“She ain’t right that’s what! She just told me the damn future! My phone dropped from my pocket a minute she told me it was going to happen”
“Your minds too closed for answers officer, don’t bother”
“You’re pissing off the wrong people doc”