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Comfortable. Privileged. Happy.

Three things I no longer understand; three things I can no longer fathom. Chaos and mayhem overwhelm this room as we are used as guinea pigs for a mass experiment. An experiment that involves mass murder. We've been locked in this room for, some of us, two years. For me, it's hardly been a week. And yet, I can already feel time itself dragging my body down into the dirt.

Comfortable. Privileged. Happy.

Three things I have when they aren't in here, when they aren't terrifying us, depriving us of sleep. Three things that are only momentarily a gift from God, until the horrors of this room returns.

Comfortable. Privileged. Happy.




Copyright K. Weikel 2016
Cover copyright K. Weikel 2016
Contains elements of horror, fiction, fantasy, scifi, and reality. Rated PG to PG-13.

No rude comments will be tolerated and will be deleted without warning.

As in my other books, no promoting yourself inside these electronic pages. I have the right to delete any comments I choose (I probably won't delete any).

Also, there will be typos. I'm working on fixing that right now.

Thank you, my Merbae's.

- K.

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